Poetry thread.

Let it spill.


"Prayer For a Friend" (an original poem by Allaby)

I wish I knew the words to say,
I wish I could take the pain away.
I'm sorry I don't know how to save you,
I'm sorry for what the world gave you.
Is it enough to hold my hand,
can I pull you out of the sand?
Can this love sustain us all?
Or are we all doomed to fall?
Let us carry on this brave fight,
let us not rest until we see the light,
for soon the beautiful day will rise.
so keep open your beautiful eyes.
Somehow love can win
and hope will rise again.


An Empty Love (an original poem by Allaby)

You swore you loved me forever,
But when it mattered, it was for never.
This so called love is just another lie,
You walked away and I just die.
I reached for you in the night,
there was emptiness and no light.
Always alone and lost in the crowd,
Here I am silently crying out loud.
Why have you left me with nowhere to turn,
Why was our bridge the one you had to burn?
This fake love was never real,
Numb is all that I can feel.
Broken down and covered in blood,
I'll just crawl away and lie in the mud.
I guess I was the biggest fool,
But now I'll just pretend it's cool.


"Hope When it Hurts" (an original poem by Allaby)

Don't forget there is always hope,
even at the end of a broken rope.
No matter what mistakes you've made,
no matter how high the price you paid.
When all you have is an empty cup,
Have faith and don't give up.
Things may be tough,
but you are strong enough.
Know that you can survive.
Believe you can thrive.
This dark night will end,
and your heart will mend.


Desire: (an original poem by Allaby)

Everywhere I see your gorgeous face,
I'm haunted by your seductive beauty and grace
This is my one and only confession
You are my sole and perfect obsession
I long to caress your every night,
and hold your sweet body tight.
The pure kisses from your gentle lips,
at the thought, my heart skips.
All I desire is every inch of you,
do you long for my body too?


Wow. Nice.


Thanks Cruz.


It reminds me of all the great rock ballads I listened to growing up.




One bright day
In the middle of the night
Two dead men
Got up to fight.
Back to back
They faced each other
Drew their swords and
Shot one another.
A deaf police man
Heard the noise.
He came and killed
The two dead boys.
If you don't believe
This lie is true
Just ask the blind man...
He saw it too!


