MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Jean Michel Basquiat.

Jean Michel Basquiat.

When it comes to art, I am of the opinion that whatever blows your hair back is good art.

I find Basquiat's paintings exhilarating and disturbing at the same time.

In hindsight his works have been understood much more deeply than I can explain. Enjoy this slideshow and feel free to comment on what you think of his work.


Did you see the film Basquiat with Jeffrey Wright. Great film!


Amazing film.

His first painting was bought by Debbie Harry of "Blondie" for $200. I am sure she has sold it since then. That painting would be worth around $50 million at auction. Maybe more. A Chinese billionaire is buying up all of his work he can for crazy money.


I was going to art high school in NYC during this period, and personally, I don't find his work very interesting. His stuff is what's called "outsider art," which is anything created by people who are on the fringes of society, usually because they're mentally ill or disabled. (Here is a page that explains it better:

If you look at outsider art, you'll see that Basquiat's style is a dime a dozen. The reason why he rose to prominence is that it was the 1980s, and the art world was looking for a brand new movement/roster of "brilliant artists" to carry the torch from Andy Warhol and members of his generation. Warhol was by far the most famous and celebrated artist (and celebrity) of that era, so naturally, people embraced Basquiat as some genius when he became part of Warhol's circle.

But like I said, personally, it just looks like run of the mill, outsider art to me.


Thank you for responding and your take on the era and Basquiat's work is well received.

Let me change gears. What do you think of Ralph Steadman?


I think that he's a terrific illustrator with a very unique and interesting style.


I have a few Steadman originals. Ralph is a kind man that has an amazing touch.

What art pieces do you have?


Wow! You have originals? That's very cool!!

I don't collect art. I just own books of favorite artists and art styles, so I have tons of books on everyone and everything from Carravaggio, Jacques Louis David and Klimt to flash in the pans like Patrick Nagel.


Carravagio is of course amazing, I love the dramatic dark and bright chiaroscuro color schemes and perfect compositions...very serious business
They could really paint back then

Toulouse-lautrec is another stand out artist for me
Do you like his work?


Carravaggio is a very interesting painter both in terms of his work and personal background. He painted these deeply moving religious artworks but was a thug with a violent temper who had several run ins with the law and actually killed a man. His work was absolutely hated by everyone because he dared to model the saints, the Virgin Mary and Jesus after "regular" people, and they went ape shit because in one of his paintings the models had dirty feet, LOL. Yet in spite of being hated, he was one of the most imitated artists of all time until David came along.

He put himself in his paintings many times. "Goliath" in David and Goliath is him.

Yes, I like Lautrec. I actually have a book on him by Taschen. A lot of his work was inspired by Japanese prints, which were big at the time.


Good info on Carravaggio, He seems like he was batshit!

I did not know about the Japanese print connection to Lautrec, I love his work

I have a big fat book about him around here in my house somewhere, It might be the same as's got nice big prints of nearly all of his work in it


Really interesting post atomicgirl. I'm not a fan but could never explain it the way you did.


Nope, sorry. I'm not a fan of contemporary art, except for Photo-/Hyperrealism. Someone like Richard Estes or Ralph Goings.


Basquiat was interesting but not really my thing

If you like striking portraits check out Amedeo Modigliani
That guy could paint a thoughtful, enduring image


Very nice. Do you think an art piece should be about a portrait?


It depends upon subject...if you paint landscapes of course not
But well made portraiture speaks volumes about an artist's skill level in general


He could have done that.

I think his skill was amazing. He told a tale and thrashed out at Warhol and got away with it.


The Warhol reaction and influence was there but I felt he was faking it...he was using a revered artist (another I never really cared for) to gain acceptance and gravitas


That is boring as fuck.


Modigliani bores you?
That's too bad
He was an amazing each their own of course when it comes to art


Apology. I have a glass of wine and a naked woman.

I am always open to new ideas.


You have wine and a naked woman and you're posting about dead artists with a random male stranger about dead famous artists..?

I have some alarming news for you pal...


A NY boy should bring a don't have that?


I'm not a huge Basquiat fan, apparently I struck a nerve with you

I was being honest and you seem game for a discussion

What do you most enjoy about Basquiat's art?

Use your words...


My words? Give me a second I will be back


My words?

I cannot look at one of his paintings without wanting to fuck or jack off.

Real talk.

His work makes my hair stand on end.

It makes me hard.


Have fun


I am slipping my fingers in a vagina right now....I love my life


No, you just slipped your fingers across a keyboard

Not the same thing


She is willing. Pics?

I run my own carnival.

You, nobody, tells me what to do.

We cool?


NO pics please

As well you should, anybody whose anybody runs a Funfair, right?

Hey, touch your 'lady' with one hand and type with the other, try to catch me giving a shit

To be determined I'd say


You dream about jacking off to my girl




She spins on her back and the slit glistens.

I got this.


Slow your roll Skippy


Rolls have a momentum of their own.


And some have butter of their own.


Real talk


Shoggie, speaking of fun...what has happened to MovieChat? It use to be fun. It always gave me my first laugh in the morning and usually my last laugh before bed. All the vile, venomous hatred laced with profanity, insults, and nasty name calling is depressing me. I’ve been called a cultist, a fraud, a mental case because I’m not jumping with joy over Rush Limbaugh dying of cancer. This place has turned into Reddit! or FB.

I have enough caca in my life and not too many years left. So...I think I’m going to go away for a bit and leave you guys to duke it out. I’m tired of being raked over the coals for voting for Trump and will again. I dunno...I’ve read the transcript several times and don’t see what the anti-Trumpers see. IMO, it was not proven unless Schiff and the gang know more than what we’ve been told.

So, Sweet Cakes play it safe...and if it after me.😘


Hey Kissy, don't be gone too long please; I'll miss you. I know what you mean though. I find I'm posting less and less now because the 'fun' element seems to be evaporating and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to find things I can comment on. Don't be a stranger now.


You're an OG, don't let a handful of twerps who wont last long and assorted sickos that applaud a guy's cancer get to you...those sorts are worth as much as the crud on the sole of your boot

If you must take a break please return soon

All the love K😘
Come back soon


Do you truly want my opinion? If so...what the hell! I see a very dark soul in his gibberish art. Art? A 3rd grader would do better with a box of crayons! And be a lot cheaper! Have you viewed drawings from children who have been abused physically/sexually? Very similar to this...


Art makes you think of children being sexually abused?

I like you. Easy does it.


This guy's art did! I did my best to understand what he was scribbling. I gave up!🤷🏼‍♀️ BTW, why would you like me over my thought process in deeming this art is akin to an abused child’s art?


Can you and I just chill?

I like art. Jean Michel is one of my favorites. Not my only one.

Can I leave you with a song? I can play this on bass. I cannot sing it.


You didn’t read my other posts. In essence I’m chillin’! I’m chillin’!🥶


I trust you with so much!


Oh you! 😬


Don't get strong!


No need for braces....



I just said "mental illness art" because I have seen a lot of it.


That's like mental illness retard art.

The guy reminded me of one too.

He was likely the product of white people using a "primitive" as a way to make money and promote themselves. The art is really trash and if someone didn't tell you it was "good" you wouldn't think it was good.

If you never heard of him and were walking down the street and saw a painting lying on the street you wouldn't be like, "Holy shit!! What is that doing there---I have to save that painting!!" and that's because it's trash.



Not my cup of tea I'm afraid.


Predictable that a group of Neanderthals can't understand art.


Btw, I didn't mean to imply that it wasn't any good, just that it wasn't for me.


I know, Andy. However, I open up a thread about a wonderful artist and people want to attack me and said artist. Are you fucking kidding me? Is this what it has come to?


Just take a deep breath and move on. Remember, whatever anyone says, it’s not going to diminish the pleasure you derive from his art.


Amen to that.
