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Why do people think weed is good for anxiety/stress?

It only exacerbates any kind of neuroses. There might be some really strong stuff out there that completely knocks it out but for the most part it just makes it much worse, short term and long term.

I am still able to enjoy it when I’m drinking (which counter-balances this effect) at home watching movies, but if I smoke and go in public I’m extremely uncomfortable.


I don’t know about today’s stuff...I understand it’s different from what was available in the late ‘70’s. The first time I smoked it I didn’t feel any change. I kept waiting for the euphoria to take hold. I was informed to just give it some time. So I continued to draw on the stuff. All of a sudden it hit! What I had heard was made me hornier than a 3 peckered billy goat in a sheep’s pasture!!


I'm a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist and CBT is great to learn and read about. Look up Albert Ellis, he was one of my teachers and is very famous in that field.

Your best bet is the stay away from drugs as you don't need them.

Also, I have been working out almost daily for over 30 years and it is great for anxiety and depression.

Last year, my girlfriend was prescribed Luvox and Wellbutrin. I am against taking meds but she wanted them. She had a tough life growing up and that is her problem but she didn't want to hear it. Anyway, I recalled reading about those meds and though they had a stimulant property. She started going crazy on this stuff and it had very bad consequences for us. Until the bad stuff happened she wouldn't listen to me due to being insane. So, I started researching these meds and they are almost exactly the same as Meth. She had every bad side effect including mania, intense muscle problems, and unreadable high blood pressure, which could have killed her.

All of that because she has anxiety and depression due to child abuse. There is no pill for that. So, now we are going sober, hitting the gym, and going to try to make the rest of life good even if the past sucked.

Do the same.


I won't generalize on everyone, but from decades of experience with a family member who has smoked their and my entire life, I think it comes down to two things.

1. Not recognizing weed as the source of the exacerbation; and
2. Buying into the 'it's just weed' narrative.

Because the high gives you that instant hit of relief, once that relief wears off and you're left feeling worse than before you smoked, you don't automatically blame the thing that gave you relief. You seek out more of the same feeling. But it becomes this cycle, where you build up an immunity to the high, so you smoke more and more but feel less and less relieved, and so the anxiety is being heightened just through marijuana use alone, let alone other factors. And you can't stop smoking because you get to this place where you can't live without that feeling it gives you, whether it soothes you anymore or not.

And I've seen this person, among others, treat marijuana in the same way you would expect a heroin addict to chase heroin. Using 99% of their paycheck on the stuff and never having enough food or money for bills and rent; causing themselves more problems in life because they need that hit and adding to their troubles; becoming extremely neurotic and downright scary when they can't access their weed; but never once sourcing weed as the issue. Because it's not heroin, it's not meth, it's "just" marijuana.


Sativa if like an upper type high. Whereas Indica is more of a down type of high.

Pot is excellent for patients who cannot eat or no desire to eat. I use to weigh 312 at one time and I was losing weight at an alarming speed. Pot makes you eat like the devil.

When my dad was sick they gave him pot pills to make him eat. I forget the name of the pill.
