MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > do you think the internet is for people ...

do you think the internet is for people who have no lives

it has certainly been the case for me most of my life, ultima online free servers, a little college, talking trash on imdb and movie chat lol


I would not have been here 15 to 20 years ago.


Life is what you decide is life.


In my case my husband, who is retired, likes to watch a lot of TV. Some of the stuff he watches has no appeal to me at all, so I sit and "watch" TV with him and play on my laptop.


What is having a life anyway?

Personally I find the internet far more interesting than TV (irony noted given the theme of this site), sports and spending ridiculous amounts of money in restaurants and bars like a lot of people do.


Personally I don't see being on the internet any different than reading a newspaper or a book - it's either educational or entertainment.


Iā€™m beginning to think life is so damn dull! šŸ˜”


No the internet ( like everything else ) is for fooling people into thinking that they have lives. It's a subtle but significant difference.


To a great degree, yes. But pretty much everyone I know, regardless of schedule or responsibilites, uses the internet.
