MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > do you think the internet is for people ...

do you think the internet is for people who have no lives

it has certainly been the case for me most of my life, ultima online free servers, a little college, talking trash on imdb and movie chat lol


Maybe for many, it's for those who can't find people with similar interests in real life, so you can go straight to whatever you like on a message board, as opposed to the few around you, you can talk with billions that you understand.


Not really I think most people use it, most people aren't THAT busy.


Well duh!





facebook and twitter you get attention , i notice the common trends between meme posts and you arent different from the other person but you get attention that is somehow gratifying. I want to be different but i'm just not that popular.


I use it to fill the cracks in the day.


I just use it when I don't have any crack.




It seems a lot of our users (to use MC as an example) have pretty busy, marriages, children, health issues, bills...The 'net is great because every so often during a hectic day you can sign onto a site like this and chit chat with all sorts of people about music, movies, sports...whatever have you

I find it very useful to have a few chats everyday, it has a calming effect on me, this site is the only one I frequent anymore and the gang is great, I can't speak for other sites tbh


I am an introvert by nature. I don't like (or need) to be surrounded by people.

That said, I find it very relaxing to surf the Net for information and message board discussions. As far as info goes, I don't know what we did before the Net... With the Net, you can throw out your reference books and encyclopedias.

In fact, I find the Net more relaxing than TV. 📺


Absolutely not! It's for both types of people, people with or without no lives. They just each use the internet obsessively in different ways.

For example, my sister and her family members are social butterflies. They meet tons of new friends every year, go to cruises, parties, restaurants, regularly, etc. Yet they are on the internet 10x more than me because what hey do is take pictures and videos of themselves "having a life" to them obsessively share on Facebook. So, for example, they'll go partying or have dinner at a restaurant and as soon as they go home spend the next four hours posting videos and pics. It's almost as if they're having lives for the sole purpose of posting something on FB, not having lives to have fun or socialize.


Just like weed. It’s for both types of people. It’s for people who want to chill out, get a little baked up and watch a movie or listen to music. Then there are those with undiagnosed Schizophrenia. 🤣


Yes, it is just like weed. It's an addiction, and an unhealthy one.


Yes, I wish back in the day someone would have explained to me the AOL Online was a damn gateway internet experience. Look at me now. I’ve moved on to Movie Chat and I’m getting close to 4000 post.


It's not AOL that's a gateway experience, but Facebook. I have relatives who will spend upwards of five hours a day doing nothing but play Candy Crush. One exceptionally talented artist in the family (who does paintings and drawings that look like 3D and would be hired by any studio in a heartbeat) does nothing. He does this super amazing eye-popping 3D art, yawns, puts it away and spends all his free time on TikTok, social media, etc. He's not even on Deviant Art because he'd rather TikTok and Facebook.
