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Is anyone else a loner?

I prefer being alone than with others. Some of it could be due to just preference, but sometimes I want to be the life of the party. I guess it's because I'm "highly sensitive" and I easily get overwhelmed when dealing with others.


Yes. It is what I have been "trained" to be from a very early age.

I walk alone the streets of madness
Beside the hedge of reality

As the great songwriter Bernie Bum so wisely put it...




Yah. Never married, not looking, and I seldom hang out with anybody, though I am generally cordial with people I encounter.


A lifetime of experience has taught me that, as a general rule, humans are incredibly untrustworthy. Any single or number of factors can effect a person's ability or willingness to keep confidence at any time.
As I get older, I give less and less of a damn about others. I stopped giving the time of day to anyone unworthy of my trust decades ago.


Age and treachery will always win out over youth and inexperience. - David Mamet


I can't deal with people anymore. I have nothing to say. And I sure as hell don't care about whatever they have to say.


^ this.


"There is a sense in which I have nothing to say, but I have a lot to add..." - Gore Vidal



Never mind. You can always go to Torquay and open a hotel like Basil did.



It depends on what you mean by "loner."

A "loner" is someone who angrily shun others. I prefer to be alone most of the time, but I don't consider myself a "loner," either. I'm just very selective about who gets to be around my inner circle now, because it just seems as if so many people these days are so cynical, narcissistic or shallow.

It makes me wonder if this is a direct result of what we were all taught in college. When I was in school, the buzzword was "networking," as in, "Oh, want to make it in the world? Make connections. Network." I think that's how many people in my generation were raised. We were raised to see socializing as "convenience" and "getting ahead."

When I talk to older people--especially immigrants-- I never get that feeling. You're in line at the store and they will legitimately want to shoot the shit with you and others just for the sake of being sociable. They don't care if they never see you again. They just want to connect with another human being.


"immigrants-- I never get that feeling. You're in line at the store and they will legitimately want to shoot the shit with you and others just for the sake of being sociable."

I hate that!

I don't mind talking to passers-by, but I dislike being put in the position of having to, for politeness' sake.


That sounds just like my husband - he loves to go to the grocery and chit chat with the employees and customers. That drives me nuts, so we rarely go to the market together.

Just like when we fly - I like the aisle seat, which means he sits in the middle and he always strikes up a conversation with the person next to him - he enjoys it and I would rather poke my eye out.
