MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are women angrier now than in the past?

Are women angrier now than in the past?

Just watched a female comedien on Showtime. I was struck by just how angry her humor (and she) was. Just blasting men in a mean spirited way.

I wonder how much social media has to do with this?People posting photos of living the high life. Creates envy.
The #metoo movement and the current President also don't help.

Do you think women are angrier now than say the 1980's?


No, I haven't noticed this at all and I'm surrounded by women all day every day.

I think men have become noticeably whinier though. A chip on one's shoulder seems to be the male fashion accessory of the new millennium.


ANOTHER thread about how awful women are. Bravo. Well done.


Women are not awful, they are mothers of our children,the softer sex, the more empathic sex.

If you are under a certain age, you will not be able to answer this question (45?) because you are too young to observe cultural change.

Has the 'Strong Women' ethos that is coming out of Hollywood today and the power of social media have made women more ANGRY than the recent past?

That is all I am asking.


EVERYONE is angrier now than in the past. It's because the Left has politicized EVERYTHING!



The left has? Do you have any other signs of dyslexia?


I'm not dyslexic, but you sound like an brain-dead Leftard. Oh wait a minute! That was redundant.



Well, I don't know what you consider left. If everyone's standing in a circle, your left might be my right. Now let's give everyone in the circle a gun for the firing squad. Okay, good, problem solved.


Yes you do. People like Crazy Bernie. Oh yeah, and you.



see , whats happened here is you've taken some not-serious man jabs to heart and now you think its "mean spirited"
Grow a fucking pair.

I've no doubt you're one of the posters regularly starting topics with the heading "how come I'm not allowed to insult women" , this thread being exhibit A.

How come you think you should be allowed to insult women , when you get your panties all in a twist listening to a couple of man jokes? if thatsd "not on" why is your favorite hobby horse of bashing women ok?


I don't know what is more cluttered, your thinking or your texting.


Perhaps in the world of comedy, but if you go back in time and really look at female anger, it's astounding the things you can find. I seriously doubt that climate change and extra hormones in the food and the wide availability of viagra would have had any...

Oh wait, I see what you mean.

Jesus, if you were a woman who had seen, IN YOUR LIFETIME, aged,shrivelled up,useless penises suddenly swell, wouldn't you feel a certain amount of resentment or anger? Or would you just kneel and salute? I bet you would.


You have the suffragettes movement for voting rights, later you had mothers who were against involvement in WWII (pre Pearl Harbor).Later the ERA, sexual liberation and bra burning movement in the 60's and 1970s ... then mostly quiet for close to 50 years, then the #metoo movement, power of social media to vent anger..
.adding to that the Trump Presidency..

So perhaps you are right..thinking about it from a historical's just a reversion to the mean....long over due.


Let's all get offended, either by the OP or by whatever response is suitably "offensive" enough, because "offended" is so du jour!


I haven't read your post, but I'm offended anyway. I'm off to write a stern letter to someone.


That's SO offensive!


In fact, I haven't even read the OP, so I have no idea what this thread is about, nevertheless, I feel compelled to take offense on someone else's behalf.


I'd be offended, if you weren't offended. :)


For sure. Women have been told they can have anything and everything they want. And when they don't get it or find out life just doesn't work like that, they get real pissed off.

Spoiled children is what they are.


I don't know if they're angrier in general, but based on all the outraged screaming and heavy objects hurled my way, they are definitely angrier at me. What's the deal? If they didn't want people looking in their windows, why did they make them clear?
