MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Are women angrier now than in the past?

Are women angrier now than in the past?

Just watched a female comedien on Showtime. I was struck by just how angry her humor (and she) was. Just blasting men in a mean spirited way.

I wonder how much social media has to do with this?People posting photos of living the high life. Creates envy.
The #metoo movement and the current President also don't help.

Do you think women are angrier now than say the 1980's?


I wouldn't like to say, one way or the other...


To be fair, I could just be the media, anger and confrontation=ratings.


I've known a ton of women since the 80s, all of them were constantly angry but all of that was most likely my fault😃

Which female comedian was it?
I'll look her up


Forget her name, cute ,thin, brunette. Had a tv show of some sort. It was a Showtime 2014 special about 45 min in length.


Whitney Cummings?



It was billed as a comedy show about the differences betweenen men and women and the mating game.

Sure I am always interested in what the other side thinks.

It mostly came across as a catharsis for her frustrations.


We work well together😎
Just take it for the comedy, it's all a big laugh really


I don't recommend it. If she is truely representative of most women, my faith in the opposite sex has diminished.


I don't think she reps anything but her own comedy routine

Anyway, I try to keep it light, if a Lady wants to riff and burn rubber I say give her the keys...a bit of rough humor wont kill us


It's a bit much for some males. Obviously some feel threatened. Not me. I'm not that fragile. But some.


The trouble all started when we let them vote and drive cars...I kid, I kid😬!


I just found out yesterday they can own property. The horror!!!!


Some dummy even let all of them out of the kitchen...And now I hear they are starting careers...WTH?
Where are we supposed to get sandwiches, beer and bacon now?!?

I'm scared bro!


I have no problem with a woman becoming a teacher or a secretary.


Yes! Hot teachers and secretaries, or just be French Maids or Sexy Nurses...I'm pretty sure these are the only career paths open to the babes

Perfectly reasonable I say👍


I have only watched one of her specials, but I didn't find her very funny. Actually, I don't think I made it very far into her show. I did see, more recently, a female comedienne who had very similar material but somehow made it quite funny. I'll have to try to remember her name. They would make a good comparison study, I imagine. (Although I guess plenty of people find Cummings funny, I'm just not one of them.)


Observational humor between the sexes is much more funny.

One female comic did a riff on how when riding in his car her boyfriend would contantly have a ear for strange noises (coming from the car). Did you hear that? She seemed generally perplexed at why guys do this.


Just a loud vocal minority. If they scream loud enough, it may seem like they're a bigger group than they really are, I think. I don't think most women are that way.


Good to hear


I agree. I know one or two women who feel that way, but IMHO it's because life hasn't turned out for them the way they expected. Most of my friends are happy women - I don't think most feminists are happy for one reason or another.


They were certainly funnier in the 80s:


Thnks for posting, much more my style of humor...


Same here.


It is my considered opinion that lots of women have been angry since patriarchy came in.

It's just that power structures and the mass media rarely pay any attention.


No, I just think that women are being more vocal about their anger because they either feel they have more permission to speak up now, or contrarily, they're rebelling more against the feeling of being silenced.


Good post




Hey, what makes you say I'm angry, jerkface?!




I have noticed a lot of people talking about "racism" too, especially about black people.

I think that's a sign of the actual problem being over.

If you're a "female comedian" in the mideast, you don't exist and if you did, they might throw acid in your face. You wouldn't be publicly complaining much after that.

If you really lived during racist times, and you were a black person, you would be dead if you complained.

The "anger" we're seeing is misplaced, indulgent, and out of date, lol.

What's worse than anger is that I have noticed that women are more like stereotypes of men than in the past. That sucks because men aren't more awesome than women, but apparently women think men are better than them, while being mad at men, while wanting to be men.

It's sad.


Someone needs their safe space, lol. Seriously, bro, you are putting WAY too much thought into this.


Great discussion skills you have there.


You leave yourself open to it when you make a big deal about things that just aren't big deals. Get a grip, man.


Thanks for dictating my thought process, lol.


I am just trying to help you with perspective.


I certainly have it now, lol.


Feels good, doesn't it???


Hey, good news black people! You may now complain without getting murdered so apparently racism no longer exists!


If you are complaining to an audience who wouldn't murderer you and would stop you from being hurt, you are preaching to the choir. That's redundant and not necessary.



Lovely to see you back froggy x


Hey thanks☺️
