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A trip through New York City 1911

Restored video of 1911 NYC with ambient sound added and colorization. Can you imagine how different your life would be had you lived then?


Well, based on the film I'd say we'd all be way snappier dressers!

Seriously, even those dock worker guys were duded up compared to many of us today lol


Everyone actually took pride in their appearances. The way some people dress in restaurants today is enough to make you lose your appetite.


Were sweat pants even a thing back then?


Thanks for that it was good. The only thing I wished they had done was to have taken a few close ups of people's faces to personalize it a bit.


I would have to wear a corset and 10 pounds of clothing - even in the summer.


I posted this about a year ago. Regardless, it's a fascinating footage.


Agree, it is fascinating.


I also posted it (and similar videos) but I don't think it got as much attention :)


This was a mere one year before the Titanic disaster. Titanic was supposed to dock in NYC.

Also, what's striking to me is that no one is overweight/obese in the footage! People took care of themselves back in the day and dressed nicely.


They didn't have money for excess food. The rich at that time were most certainly overweight. It was a distinction. Boss Tweed was a fat dude.


Indeed. Also, I believe President of the USA was Taft (the fattest president in US history). Yes, even more overweight than Trump. So fat, that there was a story about him getting stuck in the bathtub!


I think Trump's unclothed body would frighten most people.


Poor Melania!


I doubt he has sex with her.


Life expectancy was around 50. Horse manure everywhere. No civil or women rights, high infant mortality. Many things were either not invented or not widely used: toothpaste; indoor hot water; refrigerators; shampoo; cars; toilet paper; penicillin, birth control was illegal even for married couples.
Brooklyn and Queens were mainly farmland.

I wouldn't mind visiting for a day or two. But, I wouldn't want to live in that time.


Me too. Really no toilet paper? What did they use? What did they use for toothpaste? No antibiotics? I wonder what people did when they had dental pain. Probably no root canals back then.

There were cars back then.


my parents knew of entire families wiped out by tuberculosis during the depression.


That's really sad.


I used to ask my relative who lived close to that time a zillion questions.

Salt was used to clean teeth. Some of my relatives (including small children) died back then from illnesses which would've been easily treated with antibiotics today.

I read bad teeth was very common, but my relatives had good teeth maybe because they ate less sugar. Today, it's in everything. Pull the tooth instead of root canal? My relative swore people used corncobs and newspaper. The majority of people didn't own cars. They used horse drawn carriages, trolleys, the subway, and walking.


I can't imagine getting a tooth pulled back then! No antibiotics and probably no dental freezing/anesthetics. Ouch...


Now I understand why my father was big on dental hygiene. Perhaps he was traumatized by gory dental stories from his parents. He never had a cavity until he was very old.

Scary dental patient photos:
