MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Name a film that is well known by one ge...

Name a film that is well known by one generation and forgotten by the next

This got me thinking, alot of films bite the dust with the next generation.

This isn't the greatest film, and some might say it deserves to die...

'Porky's' (1981) a film that probably 95% of Gen xers know about but will get furrowed brows if you mention it to most millinials.


I have to imagine most millennials will remember seeing Porky's on Comedy Central virtually multiple times every week in the 90s / 00s... I sure do!


It is so politically inncorrect these days that the film is buried. The vast majority of Gen z will never see it in their lifetime.

Out of curiosity, I will search 'Porky's' on my cable channel (Spectrum) once or twice a year.With over 1000 channels, HBO/Cinemax/Showtime is always 'no results'


Probably the Dirty Harry Franchise. I don't think anyone under 40 really has seen these. I've barely seen one.
Rodger Rabbit. A little dark in 1989 and therefore I don't think my generation is going out of their way to show this to their kids.
Caddyshack. It seemed to be a popular movie back in its day. I doubt anyone under 40 really has seen it.


The first Dirty Harry is all you really need to see.

I'm sure most young golfers have seen Caddyshack, it is so quoted in the clubhouses.

A 'have you heard of' poll, 'have you seen'poll given to Boomers/Genx/Millinials/GenZ would be interesting.

But Gen z would not be too accurate, they have not reached middle adulthood, still accumulating movie knowledge.


From the 70s, I'd add EasyRider and Barbarella.

The Emerald Forest, that was an incredibly popular movie, both with public and critic, and it's completely forgotten now.

Dances with Wolves. It's not completely forgotten, but back then it was like the movie of the decade.

Batman from Tim Burton. It has been completely erased by Nolan's trilogy.


Remember we are going just ONE generation now, the list would be too long for two.

Barbarella and Easy Rider are Boomer movies, known to most Gen xers.

Never heard of Emerald Forrest. I will have to check it out.

Dances with Wolves is a Gen X movie that won a boatload of awards, most millinials don't know about it? Interesting.


I wouldn't say that Dances with Wolves is unknown, but it has become just another movie. Back in the day it was The Next Big Thing.

Emerald Forest was quite popular. It wasn't a big hit, but it got some cult-classic status, a movie that was pop-corn and had some 'auteur' aura at the same time, like Once A Time In Hollywood last year. John Boorman got his 15 minutes of glory releasing Excalibur and Emerald Forest one after another.


I think anyone who grew up in the 90s has watched Natural Born Killers. The film has such a 90s feel to it. And overall, is an epic unforgettable masterpiece of cinematic history. But the newer generations seem to know nothing about it. Which is sad really.


To each his own I guess. That was the first movie I walked out of the theather before the end.


Almost all of the movies I am familiar with, from the 1920s through 1950s, are unknown by today's generation of young people. Their loss.


against all odds
