MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > *** BAKER'S DOZEN - Why is Tech so Hard?

*** BAKER'S DOZEN - Why is Tech so Hard?

Movies where a character gets frustrated by either new/old/changing technolgy:
1) In & Out (1997) - The supermodel doesn't understand how to operate the old rotary phone


1) In & Out (1997) - The supermodel doesn't understand how to operate the old rotary phone
2) Zoolander (2001)- At the end when Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson were trying to bang information out of the computer.
3) Back to the Future 2 (1988) - It takes Marty a few moments to learn the hoverboard he took from the kid
4) Demolition Man (1993) Sylvester Stallone doesn't know how to use the seashells
5) Crocodile Dundee (1986) - Mick's never seen a bidet.
6) Independence Day (1996) - Will Smith accidentally flies the alien ship backwards at first
7) Hunt for Red October (1990) – Jack has to get Skip to explain the doors on the sub because the US & UK Navy specialists can’t figure them out
8) The Artist (2012) - George Valentin can't cope with the move from silent films to talkies.
9) Modern Times (1936) - The Tramp struggles to live in modern society with the help of a young homeless woman.
10) Space Cowboys (2000) – Need the retired astronauts because current generation is not trained to work on the old satellite.


1) In & Out (1997) - The supermodel doesn't understand how to operate the old rotary phone
2) Zoolander (2001)- At the end when Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson were trying to bang information out of the computer.
3) Back to the Future 2 (1988) - It takes Marty a few moments to learn the hoverboard he took from the kid
4) Demolition Man (1993) Sylvester Stallone doesn't know how to use the seashells
5) Crocodile Dundee (1986) - Mick's never seen a bidet.
6) Independence Day (1996) - Will Smith accidentally flies the alien ship backwards at first
7) Hunt for Red October (1990) – Jack has to get Skip to explain the doors on the sub because the US & UK Navy specialists can’t figure them out
8) The Artist (2012) - George Valentin can't cope with the move from silent films to talkies.
9) Modern Times (1936) - The Tramp struggles to live in modern society with the help of a young homeless woman.
10) Space Cowboys (2000) – Need the retired astronauts because current generation is not trained to work on the old satellite.
11) Jason X (2001) - 400 years in the future, Jason doesn't realize he's killing people in a holographic landscape


1) In & Out (1997) - The supermodel doesn't understand how to operate the old rotary phone
2) Zoolander (2001)- At the end when Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson were trying to bang information out of the computer.
3) Back to the Future 2 (1988) - It takes Marty a few moments to learn the hoverboard he took from the kid
4) Demolition Man (1993) Sylvester Stallone doesn't know how to use the seashells
5) Crocodile Dundee (1986) - Mick's never seen a bidet.
6) Independence Day (1996) - Will Smith accidentally flies the alien ship backwards at first
7) Hunt for Red October (1990) – Jack has to get Skip to explain the doors on the sub because the US & UK Navy specialists can’t figure them out
8) The Artist (2012) - George Valentin can't cope with the move from silent films to talkies.
9) Modern Times (1936) - The Tramp struggles to live in modern society with the help of a young homeless woman.
10) Space Cowboys (2000) – Need the retired astronauts because current generation is not trained to work on the old satellite.
11) Jason X (2001) - 400 years in the future, Jason doesn't realize he's killing people in a holographic landscape

12) The Terminator Series - the internet basically becomes self aware and goes haywire trying to kill all humanity.


13. Office Space (99) the copier machine that gets a well deserved beat down:)




I'll pass as another one is going👍


I'm glad you got that in as 13, hilarious movie. Office Space a true classic comedy.


Love it😃


PC load letter...what the fuck does that mean?


I still don't know!!!



1) In & Out (1997) - The supermodel doesn't understand how to operate the old rotary phone
2) Zoolander (2001)- At the end when Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson were trying to bang information out of the computer.
3) Back to the Future 2 (1988) - It takes Marty a few moments to learn the hoverboard he took from the kid
4) Demolition Man (1993) Sylvester Stallone doesn't know how to use the seashells
5) Crocodile Dundee (1986) - Mick's never seen a bidet.
6) Independence Day (1996) - Will Smith accidentally flies the alien ship backwards at first
7) Hunt for Red October (1990) – Jack has to get Skip to explain the doors on the sub because the US & UK Navy specialists can’t figure them out
8) The Artist (2012) - George Valentin can't cope with the move from silent films to talkies.
9) Modern Times (1936) - The Tramp struggles to live in modern society with the help of a young homeless woman.
10) Space Cowboys (2000) – Need the retired astronauts because current generation is not trained to work on the old satellite.
11) Jason X (2001) - 400 years in the future, Jason doesn't realize he's killing people in a holographic landscape
12) The Terminator Series - the internet basically becomes self aware and goes haywire trying to kill all humanity.
13) Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) - Kirk and Scotty lose two people when trying out the transporter on the refurbished Enterprise.
