MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > *** BAKER'S DOZEN - Why is Tech so Hard?

*** BAKER'S DOZEN - Why is Tech so Hard?

Movies where a character gets frustrated by either new/old/changing technolgy:
1) In & Out (1997) - The supermodel doesn't understand how to operate the old rotary phone


1) In & Out (1997) - The supermodel doesn't understand how to operate the old rotary phone
2. Zoolander (2001)


I thought we were going to give a short description.


Go for it


I've never seen the movie so I have no idea how this fits in. Anybody?


You questioning me? At the end when Ben stiller and Owen Wilson were trying to bang information out of the computer. Who the fuck hasn’t seen Zoolander and when did you guys get so anal about a game that used to be fun.


Just asking.



Insightful. Thanks for the kind words planettree. I’ve participated in bakers dozen since the first game, and never once have I been asked to explain a scene, especially in such a well known movie as Zoolander. So go on now and mind your business sapling.



Lol! Check myself, seriously? Whatcha gonna do man, I’m trembling.


Got scared enough to leave the site for a whole year. What's up with that?


So you’re using a sock account to come at me but I’m the one who’s scared?




Not a sock account. Nice try. Try another filmboards method.


Still waiting to “get checked” tough guy.




Let me know when you get the balls to tell me who you really are. I’m sure I’ll be terrified.



The mods seem to favor you.


The question was brought up by Soapbox who is fairly new and seemed to be innocently just establishing some ground rules. Paladin wasn't familiar with the movie and was just throwing it out there to let someone fill in the blanks as to what the scene regarding technology in Zoolander involved. Don't think either was questioning you to imply the movie didn't qualify, but more out of being curious.

As for PlanetTree...not sure what his prior identity was on this site (only 23 posts and seems too at home for a total newbie plus offers the not so subtle "you don't even know who you're talking to" to imply he's been here before) but regardless it's probably not worth the aggravation to you.


No I know i reacted in a bitchy manner, I’ve just never seen anyone asked to explain their answer before so I was like wtf. I’m not just gonna throw a random movie out there, why would I? I suppose I could’ve been a little nicer in my reply though.
The tree obviously has some delusional sense of self importance. “You don’t even know who you’re talking to...” LOL! (I secretly hope it’s Garrett Hedlund, but probably not huh?)


Well we're all capable of dropping some snark online at times, I know I've been there lol. From my experience though Paladin is one of the most respectful posters around though so I have no doubt him (her?) asking was just an innocent question.

Don't know Garrett Hedlund but I'm guessing he was just a pleasure to be around. I may have to look for some of his old posts to familiarize myself. But in my experience someone who says "you don't even know who you're talking to" is most likely a rich kid who's about to try to get a waiter fired.


Lol no Garrett Hedlund is a super hot actor that would probably not be on moviechat, but a girl can dream, right? I think I’ve told you this before samgerard, but I really do appreciate the peacemaker stance you always seem to take, and I will always take what you have to say in consideration. You’re a sweetie.


Ohhh hahaha well I think Mr. Garrett Hedlund is probably not getting waiters fired. And thank you for the kind words...I needed that today. I enjoy the general discussion board much more when everyone is getting along...if people want to bicker endlessly there's the politics board lol!


1) In & Out (1997) - The supermodel doesn't understand how to operate the old rotary phone
2) Zoolander (2001)
3) Back to the Future 2 (1988) - It takes Marty a few moments to learn the hoverboard he took from the kid


1) In & Out (1997) - The supermodel doesn't understand how to operate the old rotary phone
2) Zoolander (2001)
3) Back to the Future 2 (1988) - It takes Marty a few moments to learn the hoverboard he took from the kid
4) Demolition Man (1993) Sylvester Stallone doesn't know how to use the seashells




1) In & Out (1997) - The supermodel doesn't understand how to operate the old rotary phone
2) Zoolander (2001)
3) Back to the Future 2 (1988) - It takes Marty a few moments to learn the hoverboard he took from the kid
4) Demolition Man (1993) Sylvester Stallone doesn't know how to use the seashells
5) Crocodile Dundee (1986) - Mick's never seen a bidet.


I always like to see a thread about technology devolve into people tidying up after dropping a deuce lol


1) In & Out (1997) - The supermodel doesn't understand how to operate the old rotary phone
2) Zoolander (2001)- At the end when Ben stiller and Owen Wilson were trying to bang information out of the computer. Who the fuck hasn’t seen Zoolander and when did you guys get so anal about a game that used to be fun.
3) Back to the Future 2 (1988) - It takes Marty a few moments to learn the hoverboard he took from the kid
4) Demolition Man (1993) Sylvester Stallone doesn't know how to use the seashells
5) Crocodile Dundee (1986) - Mick's never seen a bidet.
6) Independence Day (1996) - Will Smith accidentally flies the alien ship backwards at first


LOL @ Zoolander description.


LOL let's hope everyone finds it funny!


Everyone except froggyandtoadie2 I guess...


I hope she sees the humor in it too...Paladin was just asking innocently since someone else brought it up. I think we can all stand to lighten up and laugh at ourselves sometimes.


Argh... you edited it. Now I look stupid lol.


I semi-edited it in my entry above and left the "who the fuck hasn't seen Zoolander" part in so your comment still makes sense (even if you found the "you questioning me" part the funniest). Mainly because Paladin edited it his entry below to only include the relevant info and I take it that's his way of keeping the peace and I want to respect that.


1) In & Out (1997) - The supermodel doesn't understand how to operate the old rotary phone
2) Zoolander (2001)- At the end when Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson were trying to bang information out of the computer. 3) Back to the Future 2 (1988) - It takes Marty a few moments to learn the hoverboard he took from the kid
4) Demolition Man (1993) Sylvester Stallone doesn't know how to use the seashells
5) Crocodile Dundee (1986) - Mick's never seen a bidet.
6) Independence Day (1996) - Will Smith accidentally flies the alien ship backwards at first
7) Hunt for Red October (1990) – Jack has to get Skip to explain the doors on the sub because the US & UK Navy specialists can’t figure them out


1) In & Out (1997) - The supermodel doesn't understand how to operate the old rotary phone
2) Zoolander (2001)- At the end when Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson were trying to bang information out of the computer.
3) Back to the Future 2 (1988) - It takes Marty a few moments to learn the hoverboard he took from the kid
4) Demolition Man (1993) Sylvester Stallone doesn't know how to use the seashells
5) Crocodile Dundee (1986) - Mick's never seen a bidet.
6) Independence Day (1996) - Will Smith accidentally flies the alien ship backwards at first
7) Hunt for Red October (1990) – Jack has to get Skip to explain the doors on the sub because the US & UK Navy specialists can’t figure them out
8) The Artist (2012) - George Valentin can't cope with the move from silent films to talkies.


9) Modern Times (1936) - The Tramp struggles to live in modern society with the help of a young homeless woman.
Fittingly, this was Chaplin's last silent film, albeit with sound effects, made at time when talkies had already been shown in theaters.
Modern Times trailer -

Oh, and btw, I have never once seen Zoolander! Thus I also had no idea how that film fits into this Baker's Dozen without an explanation.
