MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What are you doing about a haircut?

What are you doing about a haircut?

Do you live with someone who can give you a trim? Toughing it out and letting it do whatever? DIY?

About a week before all heck broke loose in California, I got a haircut in case ... well in case all hell broke loose and I wouldn't be able to get one for a while and because I seriously needed one. Glad I did that, but now it's getting to the point where I need another. I have short hair, so it shows more than if it were long.

Yesterday I spent about 2 hours on Amazon looking for a decent pair of clippers with the right guards (at least 1", and shorter) until I gave up in frustration. I'm up for attempting a DIY cut, but all the clippers I saw were either out of stock, or didn't have a 1" guard (only much shorter), or was an obviously cheapo off or no-brand.

I'm thinking a haircutter or barber who could rig up a room where they're on the other side of a plastic wall of some sort and could use scissors, clippers, and whatnot through the other side, and sterilise the client side between cuttings would make a killing about now.

Granted, how our hair looks is one of the least of our worries, but still.


I have a buzzcut so I just run the clippers over it myself. Male pattern baldness does have some advantages :)


Same here
I'll use a #1 blade and get my wife to straighten out the back (I've tried to do it myself but I'm too spazzy to get it right)


Looks like there are quite a few guys here with male pattern baldness who do the same, or shave it all off.

Got to say these two looks becoming popular have been the best thing to happen to men who are bald or balding since ... ever. Way to go, guys! I think it's a great look.


Hahaha oh you're a sweetheart Cat :)

Yeah well as soon as it started thinning I made a firm decision that I wasn't going to be a comb-over or George Castanza half-helmet type of guy. Lucky for me I have a decent shaped head lol I don't know how Shogs feels about it, but you know what, I've actually embraced my hair loss now. It was pretty traumatic in my early 30s but I love not having to worry about hairstyles or haircare, I just rock my own hitman look.


Early 30s, wow
My buddy lost his hair in his late 20s...what a ripoff!

Yeah, best to steer into the skid and just deal with it
Bald shaven is way better than a combover LOL😂


Once a week with a gillette guard razor and lather and it's bye-bye to what's left of the hair that grows on my head. Not much help to a woman though unless you have a few wigs.


I can't imagine how miserable it'd be to have to wear a wig. I can't even deal with hats 😀


I have to wear paper hats and masks at work, and I cant see any of my friends of family. So who the hell cares what my hair looks like?


My son and I do each other's hair. Even before all this. I've got very short hair. We use the clippers we got at Frys, our local grocery store, in the cosmetic aisle. Only about 12 - 15 bucks. With all the different size guards.


Ive been doing the clippers also. I just recently went with the no guard.


Damn near bald ;)


Not so bad though. I work outside and wear a hat all day. 😀


Nah I got no complaints. When I went to work in a cajun kitchen I shaved it to the hide lol. It got about 5 degrees cooler.


I love that


You're lucky you've got each other to give cuts to.

I bought a cheapie clipper with all the guards, but it was terrible. Barely cut hair at all, so I ended up throwing it out. Don't want to do that again. It was around $15-20. May as well have thrown the $ in the trash and saved time.


I have really nice clippers but I’m afraid to do it myself. I might ask my neighbour to help .


What kind do you have?

The front and sides are easy, it's the back that's tricky. Hope your neighbour is willing to lend you a hand (or two). That would be the safest and easiest way to go.


I have no idea. I won them in a raffle and only used them once. They say oil the blades ? How do I do that ?


Just a touch of mineral oil across the blades will do. No more than enough for a thin film.


What the hell is mineral oil


Basically baby oil without the scent. Can't think of many places you can't get it. It's the same stuff used on squeaky door hinges. For that matter, you could use wd-40. Shouldn't take more than enough to cover your finger tip.


Hmmm interesting. I miss getting haircuts


Haven't cut my hair in over two years. Long and straight to my waist. Could probably lose 4" off the ends.


You have rock star hair!


It's different. This is the second time. 15 years ago I donated it to Locks of Love.
I've had women refuse dates because of it lol!


I just keep trimming my bangs - not difficult, but my hair is highlighted and soon my roots are going to look crappy. My husband has clippers and he's really ready for a trim. Guess that will be me doing that.


Order the color from Amazon and use a paint brush, or fingers to touch up just roots, very easy.


Mrs Neighbor is going nuts over her roots. Not a lot one can do except live with it, I guess.


Can't she do what Tcrum suggested just to touch it up?


I imagine it depends on how desperate she gets.


hey desperation nothing ..Hair color is a skill.


I know I don't have that skill.


It doesn't take that much skill (not an exact science), double-processed lightened blonde roots will be more of a challenge, though.

Many women (and men) buy the color of the shelf and have good results-- especially if you use a semi-permanent that washes out in 6-24 weeks. Professional Beauticians have instilled in people that they are indispensable, but its their bread & butter.


NOOOOOO.... the only time I ever tried to color my hair was when I was in my 20's and I ended up with brassy color. Anything to do with hair, I leave to the professionals.

Better to just let it grow out and look like ombre.


The brassy color may be due to using a golden/red hue--not an ash/drab one. Or trying to go to light without pre-lightening. Depends on what you attempted. The peroxide (present in both dark/light color) also can make it brassy; use a semi-permanent that doesn't contain peroxide. (Manufactures of hair color have been good at labeling, swatches, etc. than they used to)


Unfortunately semi- permanent doesn't work with highlights. I get foils and that goes way beyond my ability to do a touch up.


I meant your comment ''look like a ombre''. if it looks bad while growing it out, darken or tone it instead. (and what I meant by avoiding possible brassiness by using a semi-permanent and/or an "ash" hue)


I have male pattern baldness so I just shave what's left of my hair fairly short.

Finally, something good comes of that!
