MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Cast away..... yes, that darn package ag...

Cast away..... yes, that darn package again....

.....and maybe a real clue as to what actually might’ve been in it, other than what the parody the Super Bowl commercial said about the sat phone, fishing line, yadda, yadda, yadda as a joke.

But OK, call me crazy but after watching the movie again here while back, it just now finally freakin’ dawned on me that the inspirational package that moves ole Chuck to keep on keepin’ on, has to be another package that Bettina had sent out [that we don’t see] because of her angel wings logo on the box which would suggest that at the end of the movie, he’s not necessarily delivering the package, he’s more/less returning to sender. Was this another package sent to the cowboy in Russia?

The reason I’m asking all this is because I also watched a video somewhere that said that according to a supposed third draft of the movie, Chuck actually does open the package and in it he finds divorce papers, two bottles of green salsa and a letter from Bettina asking her husband to come back....

Now, I know that just because of what that video said, that is a possibility but since this is a story- and the writer can write anyway they see fit, since this package-opening scene of the mystery package wasn’t included in the final script, could this actually be closure to what was most likely in that box that he returned to her?


Do I know you?


Um..... I don’t know? Do I know you?? But


Might be better to actually post this on the Cast Away board. Yeah, the individual movie boards aren't very active, but that's all the more reason to post on them whenever you can, to increase the activity.


Yeah - post over there. This is one of my most favorite movies and Tom Hanks should have won the Oscar for his performance. The scene with him and Kelly in the driveway breaks my heart


The advantage of the movie specific boards is that people will end up looking up one of them and you can get posts months or years after you originally posted. You'll get more attention on the general board short term, but the posts here tend to get buried pretty quickly.

So posting there isn't all bad.


That's a good point!


So how do I move it over there? Didn’t even know there was a movie-specific spot. Maybe a mod could move it??


Type in Cast Away in the search engine, then cut and paste your text - Ta-daaah!
Helpful Andy.


Oh, OK. I had no idea that this website was set up kind a like the way it used to be when it was over at to where you search for a particular movie or TV show to read all about it and then down below at the bottom is where the web forum was for that particular movie or tv show.


Cool beans 😎


It was Marcellus Wallace's briefcase.


Egh, box was a little too small to have a briefcase in it, don’t you think?


Shrinks in water.


Not that much.....
