MovieChat Forums > Corneileous

Corneileous (391)


Music change in mall scene from what I remember first time I watched this. Just curious about y’all’s thoughts about how the show was supposed to end…. Question regarding why Beth hates Jamie... Caution, spoiler alert if you haven't watched past season 3, episode 4 Am I the only one who noticed this? “I have come here to kick ass!” Email notifications Rose's supposed rich parents.... The Stealth that delivered the crew.... What a train wreck. Spencer’s rifle….. View all posts >


Yeah, you’re right, I don’t know why I said Roy Orbison….lol. I guess I didn’t realize Van Halen sang it too but what do you mean, Van Halen’s Pretty Woman is missing from the original theatrical cut? Like I said in my original post, I have a store-bought VHS version of this movie that I’ve had ever since the late 80’s/early 90’s that plays the Weird Science song throughout that scene, not Pretty Woman and it wasn’t until some time after that when one day I was watching this movie on something- can’t remember if it was like HBO or something or if it was a network channel like TBS, USA network or something alike with commercials in it when I noticed the song during that scene was changed. I really didn’t even notice. I wouldn't say Beth hates everybody, she just doesnt take shit off of anyone. I dunno, all I can say at this point is we'll just have to wait and see how it plays out when the show comes back on because in the episode where Beth tells her dad that she knows about the Train Station, I'd sure like to know what it was that John told her after she recommends to her dad that maybe Jaime needs to taken there because again, it just doesnt make any sense to me that the Indian clinic where she got the abortion wouldn't have told her when she went in there that they were going to take her baby factory as well. I mean shit, if I was going to have any kind of medical procedure done, Id sure as shit expect them to tell me, the patient about something of that nature rather than them hoping my family told me about it. Yeah, well, my expectations were a lot higher I guess because I wasn’t expecting the show to be so empty of its contents because of the fact that the movie makers didn’t wanna pay to use the story so they did the best they could, which was lackluster at that, to keep from getting sued but still at least attempt to tell the story This is definitely a movie. I’ll never watch again. Wow…lol. What’s so unnerving about the drinking and firearms?? They are ranchers for cryin’ out loud and their mom does own a bar. I thought he did a hell of a job. Nothing they did is right?? There was a lot of times where Beau came back and apologized for saying they were wrong when they weren’t. Beau was hard on his boys, yes, just as his dad probably was to him and his grandad was to his dad but I hardly think Beau was being emotionally abusive. If anything, that’s what made Colt and Rooster good ranchers. Ole Beau was right about a lot of things so how can you call him stupid and ignorant?? LOL.... Oh yeah? How's that? Ive actually watched it all, twice. Have you really watched it?? And I know he doesn't tell her, that's not even remotely close to what I'm talking about. Are even reading my responses? I'm asking <I>why he doesn't tell</I> her and how and why did the clinic not tell Beth if she truly never was told? And where is this "lack of understanding" plus "real world knowledge" you speak of? You talk like you have all the answers and the show's not even over yet and we wont even know until this Fall when the last half of season 5 comes out. But just because I say I dont buy your opinions, that warrants you to say I lack understanding?? Laughable. View all replies >