MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Email notifications

Email notifications

Am the only one or is there other people not receiving email notifications for post replies, and such?

I’ve tried logging out, logging back in and even switching the notifications off and then back on again with no change. I’ve even tried emailing the moderators of the site and I’ve never gotten a single response.


Why do you want to clutter your email with that?

Signed, million man.



I guess... I turned it off as soon as I could.

Signed, million man.


OK so, if you turned yours off then why are you worried about somebody else who has it turned on and would like to receive post notifications?

But OK, maybe I didn’t exactly spell it out in my opening post and figured it would be implied but why else would I want to be notified via email when somebody responds to a thread I’ve commented on or to one of my posts?


I don't know. I found it annoying, that's why I asked.

Signed, million man.


Duly noted on how you feel about it but again, why are you even worried about what someone else prefers? And no, it wouldn’t clutter my inbox because for one, it’s something I want to see, and to, I really don’t post a whole lot around here and besides that, all the stuff that I really don’t want to see in my inbox goes to my spam folder.


I'm not worried, I was curious why one would want it that's all. You explained it. I understand now.

Signed, million man.


I did as well.


Did I not explain myself good enough in my opening post when I said because I’d like to get notified whenever somebody responds to one of my threads or one of my posts? I don’t come to this site every day and there’s been times where somebody has responded or quoted me and I didn’t find out about it until two or three weeks later.


No you didn't. Show me in your OP where you said that.

Signed, million man.


I totally understand. For people who only post here occasionally, it would be helpful.


Yes, it would but as moderator5 said, it’s been a very long time since email notifications haven’t worked and if the site owner hasn’t yet gotten off his butt to do something about it by now, he probably never will.


I do remember the emails working a few years ago. The other thing I have wondered about are the Messages. I have never tried to use them. I wonder if other people use them?


Come to think of it, I want to say it has been only like three or four years or so that they haven’t worked.


You mean private message?

Signed, million man.


Yes. I've never tried to use it.


I'll send you one

Signed, million man


Email notifications have not worked for a long time. The site's owner was informed.

To contact moderators, send a PM to me or to Moderator4, or send an email to:


So does the site owner just not care, or what?


I don't know why he hasn't fixed it.


Maybe Jim is lost in Jumanji or the Grid?


It's as good a theory as any!


Is Jimbo in Limbo with a bimbo? I’m SO relieved to learn that he has “been notified.”

Is the guy even alive?


Yes, he is alive.


i never cared for this function. we could use some others.
