MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Youtube comment section

Youtube comment section

I would like some opinions from people here. I feel that content providers should not have the ability to turn off the comments for their videos. What the f ck is the point of that?

I always, repeat, I always go to the comment section to see what people have to say about the video. SOMETIMES, I go to the comment section, BEFORE I even watch the video. When I see "comments are turned off," I just X the video out.

I guess I'm curious to know how many other people feel the way I do.


I only use YT for music. If the comments are turned off I’ll still listen to the song. If they are on, they’re normally amusing. Sometimes if someone asks a question I’ll answer it.


sometimes the comments can be hilarious.


Leave them on and if the comments offend you stop reading them.


I don't know if it's the case today but at one point the channel owner was responsible for the comment section and if something really bad (LOL) was said he/she/zhe might lose monetization of the channel. NOW THAT WAS NOT FAIR.


I don't care one way or the other whether there are comments or not. I rarely read them because the few times I did in the past, most were troll-y. I don't blame posters who have decided to turn them off.
