MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Arranged Marriages.

Arranged Marriages.

Don't you think it's very weird? Yet a surprising high % of them do work out.


They work out because in places where marriage is arranged, you divorce you die. Basically.



Actually, most places that have arranged marriages also have good solid divorce rates, rates comparable to the US and Europe.

It's just that divorce works a bit differently there, women can't file for divorce or have great difficulty getting divorces or any custody of the children. Men can dump unsatisfactory wives easily enough.


Arranged gay marriages will become a norm in the future.


Yeah, I think that shows just how bad human beings are at picking their own partners.


I think that's the only way to get a guy to marry me!😆


I guess guys just don't like k-pop


Not even Korean guys???


then move to korea


I don't know any recipes with dog.🤷‍♀️


I LOVE K-pop!


This is my favourite!


I've seen that movie before! Urban girl comes to get married! that's a movie!!


It was actually okay. Catchy song and the ducks were cute.


Can you cook😬


You already know about my cold chicken salad with green mayonnaise.


Um yeah, that...
Best of luck😘👍


you'd have to describe "work out" in explicit detail


I had a friend when I was a teenager who's marriage was arranged. I had many questions and she explained that her parents would listen to what she wanted, and being in Canada, she was allowed to finish whatever school she wanted first. She was also allowed to voice her opinion on who they picked for her and if she had a strong objection she most likely wouldn't have to go through with it. I remember her telling me that she was glad that she didn't have to make the decision and didn't have to date a bunch of different people trying to find Mr. Right. I remember that I asked her if a dowry was needed, and she did laugh. She said that with her, his parents would most likely help them buy a home as a gift. She did say that if she did find someone who she liked all on her own, she still could marry him if her parents agreed.

I should clarify that at that time there was no one picked for her as we were just going to into uni. With social media we are still in contact with each other, and she has been happily married for 22 years now. He was the first match for her.


Must be Indian-Canadian.


Her family was from Fiji, but they are hindu.

I'm not saying that I would want one, but I just don't know that I think that all arranged marriages have to be bad or oppressive.


should be banned in canada.


Again, I'm not sure.

A forced marriage is one thing. I am not condoning forcing anyone to marry anyone else. We aren't just talking about that. I'm not sure that an arranged marriage is so bad if someone has a choice in the matter. Even today people will go and pay a matchmaker. The eharmony doctor is worth $500 million. Look at divorce rates. We could surmise that as a society, we are not really good at picking the correct people to wed. Again, I don't think that anyone should be forced into it, but maybe there is something to it.


My wife and her sister were expected to marry Italian-Canadian guys. Their father even had the guys picked out for them. Both rebelled and told their father to get lost and both married non-Italians.


‘Ey! Whatsa matta wit dem two, eh dere now?


that's sort of how it went down


I'm reminded of the old TBBT riff by Sheldon about how common it was prior to the 20th Century in Western nations. In any event a majority of marriages were arranged in eras gone by. I always wondered just how happy most of them were. Sky high alcoholism. Today even in traditional communities such as Mennonites arranged marriages are not a given. Out in everyday culture a person very rarely hears about one and it is passed off as encouragement versus being pre-determined. My parents "encouraged" me to go out with a few local girls but knew those girls would never go for it and would use the opportunity to make a statement of independence towards their parents. It did not bother me as in most of those incidences I wanted to not be forced into a relationship so I could not criticize a woman for feeling the same way even if it worked against me.
