MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why does every movie and show have to ha...

Why does every movie and show have to have a gay character now?

I appreciate the progress made in LGBT rights but I don’t fully understand why almost every new show and movie has to have a prominent gay character, usually a male. It feels artificial and forced, as gays are still a small minority and they are represented as being abundant.

I did a search to see what the actual population was, and it’s less than 5%. I found this interesting article on Gallop that showed most Americans feel it is 20% or higher.

I can only imagine that this is due to their overrepresentation in popular media. While gays have been slighted, I would think there are other oppressed minorities who are larger in number and have arguably suffered worse fates.


"Small minority" is a redundant expression.


No because it is being used to modify minority, it is a minority, but is in a separate subgroup as it is small relative to the rest of minorities. But yes, the commonly used expression small minority is redundant.


I was unaware that it's a "commonly used expression".







Damn, talk about an infantile response... (eye-roll)


Doesn't change the fact that you lost. Even children laugh at losers.


Funny, I don't feel any sense of loss.


No sense trying to rationalize with the irrational. You are literally too stupid to realize that you have already fucked up. And by literally I mean LITERALLY and not figuratively. You have been speaking out of both sides of your mouth all day. You'd make a good politician.




Hah, you're obviously the one that comes across as angry and lashing out. If you've been so victorious, then why do you have to keep dragging this out ? You're trying way too hard to make a point.


Hate to break it to you buddy but you just replied to the wrong post. That's what happens when you fight a war on multiple fronts.



you have said sheeple about 55 times now. Only serves to make yourself look like a sheep. You have also conveniently deflected from the initial point. So i will break it down for you in kindergarten terms ONCE AGAIN, because I am such a good person.


I can only imagine that this is due to their overrepresentation in popular media. While gays have been slighted, I would think there are other oppressed minorities who are larger in number and have arguably suffered worse fates.[/quote]

[quote]"Small minority" is a redundant expression. [/quote]

[quote]No because it is being used to modify minority, it is a minority, but is in a separate subgroup as it is small relative to the rest of minorities. But yes, the commonly used expression small minority is redundant.[/quote]

[quote]So, according to this rationale, gays are the lowest of the low but you " appreciate the progress made in LGBT rights" ? Wanna talk out of both sides of your mouth some more and maybe run for office some day? [/quote]

[quote]He said nothing of the sort. He said SMALLER group, not lower. As in smaller in number, not any less worthy of anything. You are creating a straw man to fit your own narrative. Stop being such a jerk.

There. Kindergarten terms once again. Stop being such a fuck up.




How can I be wrong when the OP actually agreed with me that "small minority" is a redundant expression? But that looks like an edited response to me because I don't remember seeing that comment last night.

Nevertheless, it doesn't change anything about the complete pointlessness of your rant.





40%= Minority
5% = Small minority

A 40% minority is no better than a 5% minority just because the number is bigger.


what about voting?


Depends if we're talking electoral college. You can still say a small minority voted, but their vote can be worth more.


Why are you angry all the time?
You make posts to start arguments that really don't have to happen

MovieBufff asked a fairly reasonable question that is worthy of discussion, and I suspect it was not out of spite or for trolling

Why can't you pump the brakes and have a simple discussion without sniping at people?

We are all anonymous posters here, not mortal enemies✌️


See what happens when I go to bed.


We took a vote and you are to be on duty 24/7 Mister!


I could move over there.



What you refer to is my possibly silly attempts at humor, I thought that was pretty obvious
I like these posters and we engage in a lot of silly nonsense and I literally laugh out loud every day at some of our posts

Sorry about your nausea, get well soon✌️



Every show and movie doesn't have to have a gay character. Several do, but not all. The majority of characters in most movies and shows are straight, so within the setting of individual shows and movies, gay characters are still depicted as a minority.


You don’t think they’re a little overrepresented? Keep in mind I have gay friends and work with gay people so I have no implicit bias.


No, I don't think they overrepresented.


Ok. Sorry if I offended you, it seems like we usually agree on movies so I’d like to keep you on my team 🍺


You seem to have an obsession with gay people. You posted numerous topics on this subject matter. Is there something we should know about?


Haha, so you wouldn’t love me if I was gay?




What’s wrong with being gay?


It's not straight.


'Not that there's anything wrong with it'
'Of course not!'



I think representation of gay characters is fairly in line, Lesbian characters too
It never seems heavy handed in films or TV to me

You don't see a ton of it (imo) but they are out there and I think it's a good thing that they get a bit of attention because most of us don't even think of them
They ARE citizens too



I don't mind shows having gay characters. The problem is why they must make their sexual orientation openly explicit.

I mean, unless there's a romantic plot, sexual orientation is mostly irrelevant in the story. I guess most of the characters are heterosexual, but I don't it to be explicit neither. Let's imagine every character in the story making constantly explicit their sexual orientation.

- Luke, I am your father.
- No!
- That's not all. I am heterosexual.
- No!
- I had some bisexual experience years ago, with Obi-Chan, but I mostly like women with big breasts.
- I reject the Dark Side, father. And I don't like big breasts neither.
- A pity.
- Besides that, I am heterosexual too and cisgender. I had a fetish with incest, though, my sister turns me on.
- She doesn't have nice bobbies, though I must admit that she looks great when she cosplays as a slave.
- That's the Dark Side talking.


I would pay to see that movie. Sounds better than Disney's Star Wars!



So are you saying that 5% of movie characters are gay?

If not, it’s not reflecting society at all and you have nothing to take issue with.




Movies don't have to reflect the society tho'. I mean how many of us are actually FBI/CIA agents or a spy or a superhero... but there are loads and loads of those characters in movies.


So are you saying that 5% of movie characters are gay?

That's right, if the movie has no political agenda, probably around a 5% of characters could be considered as gay.


I think it's to compensate the years where they feel they were unrepresented. The thing is, there have been gay storylines in media for decades:

Morocco (1930)
Queen Christina (1933)
The Children's Hour (1961)
Walk on the Wild Side (1962)
Midnight Cowboy (1969)
Dog Day Afternoon (1975)
Desperately Seeking Susan (1985)
Paris Is Burning (1990)
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994)
The Birdcage (1996)
In & Out (1997)
American Beauty (1999)
C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005)
Brokeback Mountain (2005)
Capote (2005)
Milk (2008)
I Love You Phillip Morris (2009)
Passion (2012)
Blue is the Warmest Colour (2013)
Carol (2015)
Moonlight (2016)

And these were just from the top of my head.



Now list the films from each of those years that DON'T feature a gay character. Off the top of your head.


I think you missed the point of my post. The original poster is talking about gay characters being prevalent now. They even mention how they're less than 5% of the population. I'm saying that they've already been here for decades.
