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This is gonna be a hoot


There will be a lot of regret Saturday morning


I subscribed to a youtube channel with a similar concept.

He does different types of videos including tutorials and reaction. He sounds like he's in the throes of passion when a woman gets her hair straightened.


Boy, he's way more into lady hair than I would have expected...We need Sacha Baron Cohen to do both roles in a biopic:)


Man weaves excite him, too.


That was not a big surprise😂
I'll give him a 10/10 for enthusiasm!


Sounds like fun! Too bad I don't get network TV or I'd watch.

I cheated and got a haircut about a week ago. Friend of a friend is a haircutter and I pleaded if she'd ask if she'd cut mine too. It had gotten so bad 😬. We both wore masks and it was in her home. No shampooing, you had to do that at home and she rewet it. I feel human again!!


i just had my monthly haircut.


I just had mine cut yesterday, the first time since mid-February. It took 45 minutes and my barber and I had a spirited discussion about movies during that time.


What did you think of "Haircut Night in America"?

My rating is 1/5. Great concept with a poor execution. They barely showed any hairstyling. Often, the camera wasn't on the hair even when they were styling it. They jumped around to different people too much. The guy with the afro was interesting since they focused a little more on him and correcting an error, otherwise there was little real information. Too many ads.

Brad Mondo has nothing to worry about.
