Wtf 80s songs

There are some 80s songs that come off a little stalkery, paranoid, demented...
Are there any 80s songs that make you wonder wtf?
I like this one but....
Billy Idol what have you done with this poor girls face?


"Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell is all about paranoia:

Yes, that's Michael Jackson singing the chorus.


Yeah I love this one. I didn’t know Michael Jackson sang the chorus though.
Yo Rockwell, the mailman’s not watching you dude! He’s got better things to do.



Yeah mc who did that one last night. Creep!


The song is creep, not who. Wanted to clarify.


Apparently it's taking a shot at pedo's but it really doesn't come across that way...

Are you old enough - Dragon

Written about the singer's 17 yo girlfriend who is on the cover


Oingo Boingo- acceptable because everything they do is wtf
Dragon- this is a question that should never be asked. Gross.
The knack- I’ve been listening to this song forever. I had no idea it was so disturbing.


Sharona went onto become a high paid real estate agent in California, true story. She is the chick on the cover.


Dog Police (1984)


👍😀 I give this a wtf that was amazing


Sorry, but Billy Idol makes me think of the house across the alley behind me. This guy would start his car and sit there idling for up to a half hour while he messed with his phone. The problem was that he um, needed a new muffler on his car, so we started calling him "Billy Idle."

Mr & Mrs Neighbor and I got annoyed whenever we were having "patio time" and couldn't hear each other talk during our conversations. At one point, Mrs Neighbor went over and asked him to please refrain from his idling and just move on. It worked, sort of. We were happy when we learned that the house had been sold. But then we found out that the buyer, from Texas, owned a pickup truck that was not um, shall we say, very quiet. Every morning at about 6:15 AM, he'd rev his engine. We heard his truck for at least six blocks as he left. Oh, well. Life ain't perfect.


While I def live in a suburb, we have long stretches of road w/o stops. and early in the morning I'm always hearing people winding out their engines, shifting gears, off into the horizon, or whatever.
I always wonder why people have this urge to speed and take life into their own hands, their own or some pedestrian or some animal. Just to drive fast and show off how loud their car is.


They wrote a song about these kind of people.


Hell yeah, on the set probably drinking bleach toddies...funny, because I thought of this song a few weeks back and said “wow, didn’t know the prez was a Dead Milkman fan”...

Sorry, totally random, off topic....carry on..


I haven’t seen that. Funny! Random I can follow. I pretty much take left turns. It’s directions I struggle with.


"Word Up" by Cameo

The lyrics are strange, but the video is even better.

In it Cameo is dressed in tight black spandex and, I kid you not, a red codpiece!

I can't help to smile every time I think of this video.

(Yes that is Lamar Burton from Star Trek TNG as the detective)


Ok I can’t even! First of all thank you, can’t remember the last time I heard that song but I think it’s aged like fine wine.
Now the codpiece situation. Was he like look, I’m gonna need a codpiece for the video, but it has to be bright red or it’ll throw my whole look off. The codpiece is what pulls it all together. Word up.


The song is pretty good, quite catchy.

But the incredible amount to self confidence to say..."I am going to rock this red codpiece and I don't care what anyone thinks of it!" hilarious!"

I guess you have to hide your junk SOMEHOW if you are a guy and wear black spandex.


Ahh the 80's when you could sing about BDSM on kids morning shows! 😂🤣😂

Master and Servant by Depeche Mode on The Wide Awake Club
