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TV Shows you started watching long after they ended?

I started watching One Tree Hill a few weeks back, it started in 2003 and ended in 2012. I never watched it during it's original run. I am surprised I have been enjoying it.

I also watched The Shield a few years after it ended.

Anyone else ever start watching a show that ended long after it's original run?

I don't mean if the show's original run was before you were born either, like Gilligans Island for example and you saw re runs in the 80's etc


I've just started The Americans, and it's really great. I think I caught an episode in the middle of the run years ago and couldn't work out what anyone liked about it. It's the kind of show you have to start from the beginning and watch the episodes in order.

I'm going to try The Wire and The Sopranos when I have time.

Has anyone here watched Homicide: Life on the Street? I really liked that one.

I watched Battlestar Galactica and 24 in "real time" and that was great. But I lost interest in 24 after the third season and although I loved BSG I felt a bit like they lost control of their plot around halfway through and betrayed some of the characters. After those experiences I decided that I didn't need to watch shows in real time, I would just wait and see if they maintained their quality before I decided whether to invest in them.


Yeah, stay with The Americans, I really liked it, I bought the first 3 seasons and then fell off...I came back to finish it and was very pleased I did...

Welcome, Iffy 7....


Thanks! I'm glad to hear it's worth sticking with it.


I find I enjoy many shows in syndication (reruns) that I hadn't taken the time for when they were creatively extant.
Special Victims Unit, Big Bang, heck, even Seinfeld I have the opportunity to watch much more closely than I would have waiting for each week to grind through.
Been trying to get into Battlestar Galactica but it's difficult. In contrast, Stargate SG1 is less challenging, but it's a simple variation on Star Trek and the episodes are easy to take in, so I've been coming around to it, while not being much of a sci-fi fan to begin with.


Yeah, I think Battlestar Galactica was really timely in being produced within a few years of 9/11. It really captured that feeling of life changing in a way you thought could never happen. They portrayed some of the things we all remembered, like those walls where people had posted pictures of their missing loved ones in the hope that they were in a hospital somewhere and could be identified. Now that all of that is almost two decades in the past, those parts of the show probably don't have quite the same effect. James Callis is worth it though!

I think that a lot of sci-fi fans were also ready for the idea of a spaceship world that felt more realistic, in contrast to Star Trek. Where sedition had consequences, that kind of thing. That was all fairly new back then. Now it's just an accepted part of the genre and the genre has moved on to things like The Expanse, where certain realistic aspects of space travel have been maintained (I get a chill every time those magnetic shoes click. Every time! I'm so easily pleased...), and other rules can be broken.

I agree with you that Stargate SG1 is really watchable. That is one thing I miss with recent tv -- shows that are enjoyable, that you can dip in and out, that the characters are likeable, and that have enough of a theme to sustain the story but not so much that you feel weighed down at the end. I think that shows back then were written that way for syndication. They weren't earth-shattering on the first viewing, but you could watch them again and again and enjoy them even if the suspense of the original viewing was gone, and, of course, that it was not essential to view them in the order they were originally shown.


I Love Lucy around 1984


Wow, I used to watch that in re run form. I used to watch "Here's Lucy" as well, had no idea I was watching an old show at the time it would have been late 70's early 80's.


curb your enthusiasm
took a few eps to get into it, now i love it. on s7...


Great show, just finished it a few months back after taking some time off....I forgot about seasons 8-10 because of the lull in production...not as good as the front 7, but still some gems in there...


Gilmore Girls.


"I Dream of Jeannie." The show ended in 1970, and by the time I started watching it as a kid in '96, that means the show had been over for for 26 years.


Good question.

The Larry Sanders show, which is my favorite sitcom.


The Invaders.
