MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Most UNIQUE Movie You've Seen?

Most UNIQUE Movie You've Seen?

And one that's great, a favorite of yours... Most of the unique movies I'm thinking of are either shitty, or just "good".

"Buffalo '66" is mine.


Bad Boy Bubby (1993)


I liked this movie, but felt the last 30-45 minutes was kinda .. predictable and not really believable. It went from a dark movie to a light movie.

I'm guessing you haven't seen "Dogtooth" or "El castillo de la pureza" (better movie, but not as unique), but they are similar.


After giving it some more thought, I can certainly see how the final act falls rather flat when compared with the beginning of the movie. The film left an impression on me at the time, but perhaps I was/am naive.

I do recall watching Dogtooth, but sadly the film did not linger with me. I am quite curious about the second film you recommended, however. I will have to check it out based on your suggestion.

Thank you.


"The Castle of Purity" is more realistic, but I'll let you read about it if you want - I don't like giving spoilers.

I watched "Dogtooth" twice. The first time I gave it a 5/10, thought it was creative, but after a while, the gimmick fell flat, which is common with a lot of unique movies - trying to keep that candle of interest lit... The second time I viewed it, I liked it a little more, 6/10. I guess I'm at a point where I prefer the more intimate pictures, minimalist, dialogue driven, not needing a lot of movement or settings, but unique.. I'm noired out; I've seen the best ones, and I don't want to spend so much time on a xerox when I can see something else.

If you have any recommendations, I'd appreciate them, especially stuff from the 60/70s (or earlier), unless its amazing.

"Bad Boy Bubby" was a 7.5/10, the same score I gave to "The Castle of Purity". If you see it, please let me know what you thought about it. Cheers!



Running With Scissors

The Skin I Live In


brigsby bear


Loads actually. Lost Highway (1997), Viva la Muerte (1971), Possession (1981), El Topo (1970), The Holy Mountain (1973), Santa Sangre (1989), La Bete (1975), Playing With Fire (1975) (Le Jeu Avec Le Feu), Eraserhead (1977), I Will Walk Like a Crazy Horse (1973), Sweet Movie (1974), Enter the Void (2009), The Wicker Man (1973), Valerie and Her Week of Wonders (1970), She Killed In Ecstacy (1971), Vampyros Lesbos (1970), The Devil (1972), Antichrist (2009), Eyes Without A Face (1960), The Whip and The Body (1963), Cowards Bend the Knee (2003), Mill of the Stone Women (1960) and many others. Indeed, hard to pick just ONE.


"Eyes Without a Face" was an original, but I liked the Japanese movie that seemed to be inspired by it, "The Face of Another" by Teshigahara. I liked both, but the latter was an 8.5/10 for me.

You named some movies from the 70s I've seen, but most I tried watching.. Maybe one day when I have nothing else to choose from.

P.S. - I wish you had listed more!


Lars and the Real Girl (2007)


Good example and a good movie which could only have been made in 2007 along with the movie, "Her"


You can’t quantify “unique,” Billy-boy. “Unique” is an absolute, meaning “one of a kind.” Something can’t be more “one of a kind” than something else. What you mean is “unusual.” All things that are unique are unusual, but most things that are unusual are not unique.


There are some movies that are "one of a kind"


We all understood what you meant, ignore the cranky English Teacher😆





Gummo (1997)


Meet the Feebles (1989)
The Fall (2006)
Sorry to Bother You (2018)
eXistenZ (1999)
Videodrome (1983)
