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Anyone here have a gold dental crown? What do they feel like?

I need one for one my back molars. To those who have a gold crown, how long have you had yours and how do they feel like compared to natural teeth? Are you happy with yours? Apparently, they last years.


I've got one and now my mouth insists I call it Your Majesty before it will open.


Oh you....


Now that was funny!


Serious responses only please.


yeah, i have one on a rear molar. had it has to be at least 18 years ago. it's been fine. my dentist recommended it to me because gold tends to be more durable and a little closer in feel to your natural teeth.

if it had been a visible tooth, i would never have gone with gold, but since no one ever sees it, optics wasn't a consideration. if your dentist is recommending you go with gold, i'd say he's making the right call.


He also said white one was an option but that gold tends to last longest and has an excellent track record. It is a back tooth, so esthetics isn't a concern for me. I rather go with functionality and strength over esthetics. Even if gold is pricier.

18 years is a long time. Does it feel exactly like a natural tooth? Does it feel smooth?


it has a slightly different 'feel' when i run my tongue over it, perhaps - it's maybe a bit smoother than the molar on my other side. but it's nothing i'm ever conscious of, or that ever bothers me.


Both molars at the back of my mouth, left and right, have crowns, but not gold. They feel completely natural. The dentist makes a mold from where you need it, then sends that off to some company or person. When the crown comes back, the dentist will make adjustments as necessary to make it fit perfectly.


I have 4 gold crows on back molars that I have had since the early 1970's. I originally had 5, but lost one tooth about 20 years ago and had to have a bridge to replace it.

The remaining ones are still in perfect condition and I expect them to last forever. They are not heat or cold sensitive and feel slightly smoother than my other teeth.

Unless you are concerned about the gold showing, it is the best way to go.


That's great to hear. Wow. Since early 1970s??? I think gold is the way to go. It is a back tooth, so no one will ever look (unless they're creepy lol).

I like the smooth feel. Like a skating rink, lol.


I have 4 gold crows on back molars

Sounds interesting. All the crows I've seen are black. 🤭😉


Interesting that they are not heat or cold sensitive. That's a win.
