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Unpopular opinions only, what's the most overrated tv show right now?

Like name something that's on currently. You don't even have to hate it.

It might even be something that you like. A show that you think is fine but massively overrated & overhyped by everyone. Or just something that you're just sick of hearing about

I'll go first, Stranger Things. I genuinely enjoy it for the most part. I'm a 90s kid, so I don't have the 80s nostalgia thing. Also, the show seems repetitive. Kids investigate, Adults are always unaware of sh*t, The upside down is getting through, we have to close the rift, eleven does her Jazz hands routine

But honestly, everyone & their grandma make it seem like the best thing since sliced bread. Which I genuinely don't get


I agree. Stranger things is very overrated.


Like, I said, I don't even hate it. I think it's pretty watchable but dear Lord, people blow it waaay outta proportion


The Walking Dead


I agree with this. The constant stress, stupid mistakes, and general hopelessness got old really quick for me. I wanted a resolution, but the writers kept dragging it out.


Stopped watching a few seasons ago. It became repetitive and hopeless.


Yeah, me too.

Daryl finally got laid and nobody cares.




The ratings would agree with you. The show was once beating Network tv shows. The ratings were humongous. We're talking about sporting games numbers. Which was like massive for any show let alone a cable show

Everyone & their grandma was obsessed with The Walking & genuinely invested but Now, they're just beating a dead horse


I agree with Strange Things. First season was special, second season lost quite a bit and I wasn't interested enough to go past the first couple of episodes in Season 3.


Not now, but the most overrated TV Show of all time is Seinfeld. I know I'll get excoriated for this, but it was just NOT funny imho. It was an unfunny show about four whiny, irritating,
self-centered narcissists.


PS This will probably the most unpopular opinion in this thread.


I'll do you one better, I'll take your Seinfeld & raise you Friends. Never liked the show growing up & by the time that I was an adult, I couldn't get into it

Just like YOUR experience with Seinfeld, I disliked the characters in Friends SO much. And the Ross & Rachel relationship was toxic af. Don't get the appeal


Amazing! I never liked that series either!



I disliked Friends, too. I attempted to watch a few times and rarely found it funny.


I only saw a handful of Seinfeld episodes and could never get into the show. Not that I thought it was horrible, it was just too NYC-centric. Maybe if I had lived on the East Coast I would have "gotten" more of the humor.

Regarding a current show, I couldn't even tell you what's popular now because I gave up on network TV a couple of years ago. I would probably select one of those competition shows like The Masked Singer or The Voice. I find those types of shows, along with "reality" programs and awards shows, to be excruciatingly BORING.


I totally agree on those Masked Singer type shows. They are the worst, and obviously aimed at the dim witted portion of the population. I can only imagine the Pitch Meeting for that shit.

"So do you have a TV show for me?"
"Yes sir, I do, and it's mind mindbogglingly STOOPID, so it should be a MEGA hit!"
"Wow wow wow wow wow wow!"

I'm really surprised that I'm not getting massive attacks due to my unpopular Seinfeld opinion. The last name I dissed Seinfeld here was about four years ago, and I got CRUSHED!



Maybe now in retrospect people are beginning to realize that Seinfeld was overrated. I tried watching it, but could never see what all the hype was about. I will agree it was one of the better shows on the air at the time, but not the greatest sensation since the invention of television.


I agree.



"So do you have a TV show for me?"
"Yes sir, I do, and it's mind mindbogglingly STOOPID, so it should be a MEGA hit!"
"Wow wow wow wow wow wow!"

Love the Pitch Meetings reference. 😆


"It's gonna be super easy, barely an inconvenience."

Thanks! I Love the Pitch Meeting videos! They're tight! He points out the absurdities which seem to be
in every movie, and which I usually notice, and wonder about.



Never saw the big deal about that show.Wasn't terrible but nothing amazing either.


Then we agree. Excellent.



Game of Thrones is the first one that comes to mind. I tried and tried, but I just couldn't get into it when it was on air. But all I ever heard from everyone I knew was how good it was. I've gone back and tried to watch it, but while I don't think it's a bad show, it doesn't really interest me and definitely does not match the hype.


Nothing matches hyperbole. That’s why it’s called hyperbole.


I don't know, I've had people recommend shows and movies and have become an even bigger fan than the person who recommended them. GoT just wasn't one of them.


You didn't miss much. 73 hours of one disappointment after another. The last season is almost unwatchable.


Grey's Anatomy. I don't know how it's still running after 16 years.


There’s a Robin Williams movie ( I think it is Man of the Year) where he is talking about how long JAG has been on the air but he notes he had never met anyone who ever said to him “Did you see that episode of JAG?”.


Reminds me of NCIS. The spinoff of JAG. It's apparently the most watched show on tv but I've genuinely haven't met anyone who watches it or talks about it.


NCIS was my favorite show at one time, one of the few network TV shows that I watched. But it should have ended probably around the ninth season. By then it had run out of steam and was becoming tedious to sit through. I continued to endure it until around Season 13, then permanently gave up on it.

I see it's now up to Season 18.


I haven't watched any of it since the beginning of the 2010s. Every now & then I'll see a news story concerning the show in my newsfeed. Like an actor leaving or something & I'll be like, wow, this show is still on. Huh, news to me

And then forget about its existence. 😅

Same with Grey's Anatomy.


I had forgotten about Grey's Anatomy. I didn't even know it was still running, either. I don't bother with network TV anymore.


Yap. The only reason I even know that it's still on is cause I saw a post on my Newsfeed talking about it being renewed for season 200 or whatever season they're at.

I'm not exaggerating, I've genuinely forgotten about it already. 😆

Also, as far as Network tv is concerned, I was only watching literally 2 things. Evil on CBS, which just got moved to their streaming service, Paramount+ & Prodigal Son, which just got cancelled last week.

So there's literally nothing for me to watch on Network tv anymore.


The last network series I attempted watching was This Is Us on NBC, because Milana Vayntrub ("Lily" on the AT&T commercials) had a part in it. It turned out her character was only temporary and was written out of the program before the end of Season One.

I had to look up the year. It was 2017. So it's been four years since I've followed anything regularly on network TV.



The story was so strained and convoluted. No chemistry between the leads. Aside from that one hot guy, everyone looked really plain to downright ugly in those costumes.


That story reminded me of the quality of a show-within-a-show. It looks like it may be compelling to other fictional characters and plays like a parody of historical drama.


Nothing specific, but there's a new type of show that is quickly pervading that I can only describe as "people say stuff and do things." Just kind of mindlessly? It disturbs me.
