MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Things That Annoy You

Things That Annoy You

Unless you are a saint, there will probably be things in life that irritate you. What are some of those things?

Some of mine include:

1. People that lick yoghurt pot lids in public. It's quite sickening when you see their tongue coated in the yoghurt.

2. People that tailgate and speed up behind you when you are approaching a red light or a junction where you have to naturally lower your speed. Why are these people in such a hurry to
apply their brakes?

3. People that walk slow or don't move out of the way so that you can pass them.

4. People that use traffic light crossings when there is no approaching traffic from the left or right. They have ample time to cross the road without activating the traffic light pedestrian if they were only to glance to their left and right to see this. Instead, they automatically press the button, wait for the walk sign to appear and in doing so bring traffic to a halt.


When you sit down to watch a film that’s important to you with your wife. One of those ones that you think will be such an impactful experience that it might get her out of watching things like The Real Housewives of wherever. Instead you look over five minutes in and she’s on her phone looking at Tik Tok or whatever. 🤨


People that post links to their review on discussion boards with no other commentary.

e.g. Hey check out my review at

And that's it.


Travel edition

1. Travelers who book the aisle seat, then put on an eye mask, ear plugs and a blanket immediately after take-off. If you’re going to sleep the whole flight, book a window seat so you row mates can get up to use the toilets.
2. Travelers who hog the shared armrest.
3. Travelers who refuse to check in heavy luggage and ram their overstuffed hard cases into the overhead bins.
4. Travelers who shuffle decks of cards on red eye flights. Seems I just start drifting into the sleep zone when the chop, chop, shuffle, shuffle sounds start up again.
5. Travelers who throw the window shade open too soon before a morning landing when everyone else keeps theirs closed so folks can finish watching a movie or wake up slowly.


For number 3, I thought those square suitcases were specifically labelled for under-seat storage.


There is no way those cases could fit under the seat



People who scrape their teeth with the fork when they eat.

People who eat with their mouth open.


1. People who think the government can just raise taxes on billionaires and that it will give them enough money to pay for everybody's every want and need.
2. People who don't know the difference between scientific facts and scientific theories.
3. People at my job who put big carts and little carts in the same corral together so that I have to seperate them before bringing them in.
4. People who refuse to work more than 20 hours a week complaining they don't make enough money.
5. My coworker who is a bagger the same as me bossing me around and also treating me with contempt and hatred.


In no order:

- When people are nasty and sloppy in public: unwashed hands, using perishable items and putting them back on the shelf, changing diapers in common areas, littering, etc.

- Bureaucracy. Having to make plans and sift through paperwork just to have an application sent in for anything is exhausting.

- Members-only shopping or database websites. I do not want to share my personal phone number or address just to get details on a service.

- When people relentlessly complain to a shop clerk or assistant thinking they can overrule a state law or policy by upper-management.

- When people on the highway cross three lanes to make their exit within five seconds.

- When people buy pets without studying the species or breed and then get rid of them out of boredom.

Lots of society-based peeves on this thread. Can't live with people, can't live without 'em.


“Hell is other people.” Jean-Paul Sartre


