MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > IMDB wasn't so great at the end

IMDB wasn't so great at the end

95% - politics/social networking
5% - entertainment

it had very little to do with movies or entertainment.

right or wrong?


I enjoyed the trolls on The Walking Dead board, a lot of them were funny

I don't recall the political stuff, I avoid that because it's all nonsense


I recall the WD board actually crashed the entire site on Sunday nights. It was crazy. You couldn't even post on the Soapbox.


it was a social networking site. it had little to do with the tv show.


Yes, alot of Off-topic posts on there. I do remember that.


my theory is sound:

5% - movies/entertainment
95% - politics/social networking


I remember this, crashes happened a couple of times

I was not a member but I loved how TWD trolls could crash the site!

Funny stuff but a bit frustrating at the time lol

*edited to add: The Breaking Bad final season crashed that site a time or two as well
Funny times!


I throughly enjoyed the "Food and Drink" board. Alot of friendly folks on there. They shared delicious recipes. But the F&D board here on Moviechat is DEAD. I tried to revitalize it but hardly anyone posts there. Like c'mon. Food and Drink is a big part of people's lives. Should be an active board.


you went to imdb for the recipes?


Well, no. But I discovered upon it. It was a pleasant surprise. You wouldn't think a gem of that board would exist on a MOVIE page of all places.


sounds more like facebook


I intensely dislike Facebook. I like it that everyone here is anonymous. It keeps that aura of mystery.


I can't stand Facebook either. It's necessary for certain things, but certainly a 0/10 for entertainment.


Lots of cakes on FB. But I agree I like that I don't have to see photos of people's kids and pets etc


Yes, I was obviously a soapboxer, but toward the end, I was there. I actually followed a small group to an independent food board, and made a thread on it. It was supposed to be a temporary fix, but few showed up.


Do you remember Miss Yum Yum on original Soapbox?

I loved the Food and Drink board.


how can you get that interested in food and drink?


What can I say? I'm a foodie.


cooking is boring.


I remember Yum Yum, not really a fan. I remember from a long time ago on the food board, some dame (I don't recall her name), used to troll the food board, making threads about "working at McDonald's", saying it was disgusting. At the time she was annoying, but she was actually hilarious.


I disliked Yum Yum too. She was a huge bitch.


Right? That's one good thing about that food board troll, she annoyed the hell out of Yum Yum.


I tended to keep to the individual film boards. But even then, anything and everything Nolan, Snyder, or MCU-related seemed to bring every f*cktard, his brother, and his sister out from under their rocks.


so you don't miss it?


I do miss the amount of discussion there was on individual films. And for, say, David Lynch movies the different theories. I also miss the horror board. That was very busy, with fans of all different kinds of horror. I tried quite a few movies based on their recommendations that I otherwise wouldn't have done.


I remember the Korean poster who get on random movie and tv boards making speeches about a lack of Korean actors. Even if the film was made in the '40s.

The Ghostbusters 2016 board was a battleground. SJWs calling everyone sexist etc just because the film sucked.


At the end it was pretty bad and annoying - as this site can be at times.
But I always like the Jane Austen based film boards. I'd venture an honest, but doubtless ignorant, observation and people who were clearly devoted to the books would firmly and courteously correct me. It was genuinely informative.


It was horrible towards the end. I deleted my account two months before Amazon got rid of the forums, and not a moment too soon.


Was there a General Discussion board there? If so, I didn't post on it but I did enjoy the individual movie and TV forums - unlike here, they were very active and interesting.

I would agree that toward the end some of them got very political but I just ignored them.


I disagree. I thought it was by far the best message board. And it was possible to talk to people on just about anything. Not just politics. Politics kinda encompasses everything now, thanks to liberals, who spend most of their time reporting people for what they deem offensive posts. It's only gotten worse.


brilliant. you seem incapable of making an observation upon any matter without an embedded rightwing rant.

do you have any idea how drearily predictable you are ?


Congratulations. You are the first and only person on my ignore list. If that's all you can add, you aren't worth it.


good show. i'll add you to mine.
