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๐Ÿคก Today I learned .....

About incels, Chad, Stacey, becky etc.

WTF?!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜ณ

People actually spend their time wasting all their energy on this shit?

Try being less bitter and more people will like you ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

This is after a shooting in Britain.


holy shit , im sure i heard the news yesterday , didnt hear about that.


And people wonder why I try my best to avoid people.

If there is a school shooting: "white people are the worst".

If there is a bombing: "it's gotta be a Muslim for sure".

If someone doesn't want to get vaccinated: "ignorant Republican."

If someone is pro-Immigration: "stupid libtard."

If you didn't vote for a black politician: "you're racist".

"If you don't vote for a female politian: "you can't stand seeing a woman in office".

If someone wants to speak to the manager: "Karen!"

Just leave people alone.


Well said!!


Samoan: Iโ€™ve been on the same wavelength with you for awhile now. You need to run for office. We need some reasonable leadership


Appreciate your support. Politicans won't know who they're up against.


I had heard of incels but not the rest. I thought the whole thing was a joke, but after Googling I see there are some very angry people out there.

> Try being less bitter and more people will like you

Yes! Let's call this exactly what it is ...

There are guys who hate women and view them with contempt because no woman will date them ... and they refuse to admit that the reason no woman will date them is because they hate women and view them with contempt.

Sad, but that's part of life. There will be some like that in any society. In olden times, such individuals condemned themselves to a life of solitary pleasure and by doing so removed their DNA from the gene pool ... or grew up. IMO, one of the hallmarks of passing from adolescence into maturity is realizing that the world doesn't revolve around you, that in truth 99.99999% of the people on the planet have never heard of you, never will, and wouldn't give a shit about if you they did, and that nobody owes you anything. Nobody has a right to a sexual relationship, although these clowns don't get that.

But hey, thanks to the Internet, losers like this can find each other, validate each others' complaints, and convince themselves their grievances are legitimate. That's bad enough, but it would be acceptable if they kept it to themselves. But no, there are a few sickos who won't leave it there. This sicko actually killed people because he couldn't get laid. How fucked up is that?

Good God, if a guy really wants sex that much, it's so easy. Have a tee shirt made with "I'LL SCREW ANYTHING" on the front. Go to New Orleans and stroll around the French Quarter wearing that shirt and a codpiece. It will happen. Now, with the weird shit that goes on in that town, it may well be with a succubus ... not metaphorically but an actual female demon ... but hey, sex is sex, right?




"But hey, thanks to the Internet, losers like this can find each other, validate each others' complaints, and convince themselves their grievances are legitimate. "

IMHO that's a contender for the title of "worst thing about the internet", and social media in particular. Everyone can surround themselves with an echo chamber of like-minded nutballs, and convince themselves that their crazy beliefs are right and reasonable. Now people with crazy beliefs have always found reality hard to cope with, but being part of a group that tells them that they're right about anti-vaxxing or blaming women for all their personal deficits or whatever idiocy they believe, reality comes as such a nasty shock that some of them are literally willing to attack the real world because it threatens their belief system.


> IMHO that's a contender for the title of "worst thing about the internet", and social media in particular. Everyone can surround themselves with an echo chamber of like-minded nutballs, and convince themselves that their crazy beliefs are right and reasonable.

Absolutely agreed. I was remarking about this in another thread a few days ago ... My academic training is as a research psychologist, and although I was never in the clinical end of things, I learned a few things along the way. One of the features of certain mental illnesses is that the sufferers know they've got problems, don't seek treatment, but also don't discuss their problems with family and friends, fearing that "if I tell them I have those thoughts they'll think I'm really crazy and have me put away!" So they get no reality checks on their ideas and fall for some of their own delusions. But now, with the Internet, they can convince themselves that "No, I don't have problems at all." Yeesh!


I couldn't agree more with this post
I'd comment further but my Flat Earth Truthers meeting starts in 15 minutes and I'm running late


> my Flat Earth Truthers meeting starts in 15 minutes and I'm running late

I always thought the Earth is pretty much spherical, but I won't argue the point -- I'm a reasonable man, willing to compromise. Let's say it's cube shaped.


Works for me๐Ÿ˜ฌ




We Hollow Earthers will declare war on the Cube Earthers... once we finish destroying the worthless assholes who think the interior of the Earth is inhabited by Atlanteans and not Lemurians.


When the Lizard People and Dogmen read this you are in big trouble!

C'mon, we all know they run things


this happened in toronto a few years ago when a guy killed a bunch of people with a van.


I've just read up about it. There's some unwell people out there ๐Ÿ˜ฆ.


Reminds me of this 2009 shooting, perhaps before the term was coined, or at least widely used. But it fits.


Have these men not heard of escorts ? ๐Ÿค”

I agree, sounds very similar motives.


> Have these men not heard of escorts ?

Yep. Here we see an example of what sex deprivation can do to a man. This is a particularly extreme case -- he's not only surrounded by attractive women in ultra-short miniskirts giving him panty flashes, but because of his hyper-rational beliefs, he not only can't get laid, he can't even jack off ... day after day, for a full seven years:

It ain't worth it, dudes. Hookers are there for a reason.


The guys who complain that they can't get laid but who refuse to pay are actually terrified of sex and intimacy, and completely without self-awareness as well.

They refuse to look at their own psychological and social problems, and blame other people for their unhappiness. They don't want to work on their own problems, they want some woman to come along and fix them, and be their lover and life coach and punching bag, and they're angry at real women for refusing to become their therapist/slave... even though they do their best to push away any woman in their orbit. These guys are the gamers who harass female players out of their game groups, and who create hostile work environments for women in tech, because while they're obsessed with women and blaming women, they don't want to form any kind of relationship with a real woman.

Like I said, they totally lack self-awareness, and as long as they have any contact with Incel online groups who tell them that it's all someone else's fault, they're not going to get a clue about their real problems.


He shot and killed a three year old girl. I hope he burns in hell.




Harlan Ellison, who wrote the original teleplay for the Star Trek episode, "The City On The Edge Of Forever," was justifiably angry about how Gene Roddenberry butchered his script and lied his ass off about the matter afterwards, and how legions of Trektards eagerly believed everything Saint Gene said about the matter. He finally published his original version of the script. In it, the villain ends up caught in a never ending time loop in which he has to live the same moment over and over, forever -- being roasted alive in the heart of a burning star.

Sounds about right for this asshole.



I really dislike that the original meaning of incel has been lost in this mess of people who appropriated the term for unrelated causes.

At the core, incel refers to toxic masculinity and how men who don't follow the societal image of the ideal man are treated more poorly by women. It uses the projection of how the "ideal man" is a stud (someone who doesn't view sex as a commitment) in contrast to betas who want to develop relationships and do view sex as a commitment, to make its point that toxic masculinity is bad for society. In much the same way, men do the same to women with body shaming and even career shaming. When talking in this manner, it has always been sex based, such as how a career focused woman would be "the man" in a sexual relationship and how men don't want that belittlement.

Even more interesting is that you see many of the same complaints once you move over to feminism, the societal image of the ideal woman negatively affecting those who don't match it, and how those who do (the women with big baps and a thin waist) will flaunt their success in a way that demeans those who don't (the bigger boned women). Oddly enough, slut shaming becomes a thing in this case (whereas men get praised for being sluts) and it is those women who aren't in the ideal group who are most likely to shame others.

Often this is referred to as saying they're out of your league, but what is there a league to begin with? Why is it that men who don't match a certain level of masculinity and women who don't match a certain level of femininity aren't desirable, why is it that we even associate traits like taking charge with masculinity and submission with femininity? These toxic labels do incredible damage to society and should be abandoned. That is what the incel movement was originally about. This nonsense of "beckys, chads, and staceys" have no place in it.


