MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The show Lost started a horrible trend ....

The show Lost started a horrible trend ...

It's when you can write a story and make it up as you go along and it doesn't have to end or make any sense as long as it's interesting. Basically Lost is a bunch of interesting Shorts and character studies and vignettes that are all supposed to connect somehow. Some of the stories are good some not so good but you can tell the quality sort of drops off as the show goes on and they run out of ideas and they are trying to play catch up. It's just lazy storytelling and unfinished thought which passes for a profound and deep when it isn't at all.


True dat. There are a lot of shows like that now, and it's very frustrating.



good show the fat guy is still fat today


Why do you think Lost started this crappy trend? I haven't watched the show, but heard the ending was pretty much as uncreative as it comes. This isn't surprising considering it was an Abrams creation and he is a terrible writer, but why do you think that this show started the trend?
