Uriah Heep.

What do we all think of this famous 1970s British classic hard rock band, thanks.

And RIP to one of its prominent members Ken Hensley, who passed away in 2020 at the age of 75. By the way, he once visited and performed in Russia on a popular and somewhat infamous Russian Pop-Idol-esque pop show "Star Factory", as incredible as it may sound. And yes the band was popular and beloved in Russia too.


I have maybe 12 songs on my phone. They're a band I often forget about. Not that they're bad, they're just not one I often have the desire to listen to.


OK but if you like classic 70s hard rock music, I think you should give them a try at least. :)


I have but I don't love them.


i bought a vinyl copy of abominog that i found in a cut-out bin for $0.99 when i was 13 or so. even as a burn-out 13 year old know-nothing in the 80s, i was able to suss out pretty quickly that it was a bit old fashioned, pretty badly dated.

silly cover too.

i don't really know anything about them other than that. i think abominog was kinda past their peak, so it's probably not a good representation of their sound/style, but it's all i know!


I will buy their back catalogue one day.


My first concert as a 14 year old.
Uriah Heep & Grand Funk Railroad. 1972.
Black Sabbath was the bomb in my neighborhood and amongst friends. (War Pigs & Ironman) Then Zeppelin came on the scene and everything changed. In my narrow opinion, British Rock, from the Stones to The Cure, has produced the best rock music ever produced!
The Beatles are what they are, not one of my favorites.


The Beatles are not among your favourite bands Mike? And are you a fan of Uriah?


I like the White Album and Revolver. It pretty much ends there.


Fair enough, to each their own although I am a Beatles fan. What about Uriah Heep?


They were okay. Truthfully, I only know of one album and barely remember any song. Uriah Heep Uriah Heep...did they have more than one or two albums? Not really a household name in the Rock world!


The Beatles vs. The Rolling Stones...hands down, I’ll take the bad boys of R&R.


I like Rolling Stones a lot too although later like in the 80s they even made some rather disappointing albums like "Dirty Work" but I personally prefer Beatles more.


Rock on bro! That’s why there’s 100 different sounds out there appealing to the ears of ALL.


I’m 64. I’m a bit burnt-out on ALL the fossil rock. I’m still digging on the alternative sounds of the progressive 80’s & 90’s. Groups and artist with ‘One Hit Wonders’. You know, buying a whole shitty album for ‘one’ good song!


I’m a survivor of a ‘Doors’ obsession! lol...
barely made it out alive.
But now, I could give a rats’ ass if I ever heard another Doors song.
Circus music...lol


Seen Oliver Stone's 1991 film "The Doors" with Val Kilmer playing Jim Morrisson? Its a slightly underrated, often maligned and surprisingly very good film, 8/10 I give it. :)


He did a fantastic job. Kilmer. Lucky man, getting to snuggle up to Meg Ryan, little kissy face doll baby.


Totally forgotten them - in fact I assumed this was a post about a Dicken's character - big hair though!


I liked them, their wall of sound. Not a deep body of work anyone knows about at least, though.


I didn't know about Hensley. RIP. I've actually got a couple of their albums on vinyl. I quite like them. They used to remind me of Deep Purple sometimes, and I was heavily into them.


Smoke On The Water and
Stairway To Heaven
If I ever hear those two songs again I’ll...
Fill in the blank


Not a massive Led Zep fan but I do like Stairway!


A favorite band of mine during the 70s, because of their passionate intensity. Here's an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wgOz8iweLc I had the good fortune of witnessing them in a triple-header concert along with Deep Purple (another favorite) and The Buddy Miles (former drummer for Jimi Hendrix) Band.


Sounds like a great concert 👍


Yeah, it was, and accompanied by a phenomenal light show.


bro Uriah Heep are dope!

just loooookkkk it yosellfllllfff nyahhhh
