MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > In this world, I feel like, today at lea...

In this world, I feel like, today at least, I am pressured to be moral as well as nice and...

... politically correct, at all costs. I am not simply given a choice here and there, even in circumstances where potentially offended third parties may not be around. I don't view it at all as a bad thing. However...

Several folks, even mostly good and normal ones, of my type, white, young men etc in their teen, young adult, adult years, can at times be rather relaxed with rules, silly, a little or a lot politically incorrect etc, and they often don't care at all if they get told off. As long as no police arrests and other serious consequences happen, they're alright with it.

They have no trouble openly talking about sex, beautiful women, sometimes even provocative topics and often in one sided ways.

Even when about 5 years ago I mentioned one fantasy, I was simply questioning why in their minds it is that way, not looking at the overall "reality" of the situation. Oh, and when it came to typical traditional examples, including male on male you know what, they had their own basic "straight guy" reasons behind them whereas in a much more mature and civilized mindset, I am being told NOT to separate these issues even for personal mental reasons. REMEMBER - not everyone is an "expert" on the matters and not everyone is objective. Besides, in other traditional cases, while CORRECT, I often heard people become VERY EMOTIONAL at the mere MENTION of such WORDS, even if they themselves haven't experienced real life troubles with it.

Same or similar with stuff like bullying, fighting, light or otherwise theft and other matters.

But emotionally, it can be hard sometimes walking on tiptoes all the time. And be a constant rule follower. I wasn't even ALWAYS like this. And at times I also broke in childhood and teen years rules myself, though I frequently but not always told off others if they picked or bullied me etc in various ways, sometimes I TOO regretted it, yeah I was naive and sensitive also.

OF COURSE OF COURSE OF COURSE, YEAH I KNOW, actual bad and illegal deeds I do NOT do and yes I know all about empathy etc and law, but hey, that's kinda a little besides point, and downright OBVIOUS, for me at least, to boot.

But even now, I always feel like I have to at least act, look, think and try to be logical, nice, respectable, following rules, respecting codes, accepting the status quo etc and whether parents or past and present authority figures, I feel like I am being pressured to do so. Is that normal, and what do you think, thanks. Like someone put me in some mental MORAL box folks.

P.S. YEAH, I KNOW, I made MANY SIMILAR threads before, this may even be a repetition with SLIGHT variation, but still...


Shower and clean clothes. EVERY DAY.


YEAH, I KNOW, I made MANY SIMILAR threads before

See my previous responses then.


It will be nice when you reach the age where you stop caring what others think.

Here's the thing, I've said it before, live your life. Try not to hurt others intentionally. If you do hurt someone unintentionally, own up to your mistake, ask for forgiveness and understand that you cannot force others to forgive you.

I don't know what psychological help is available to you, but please try to seek some out.


I support your post. That you have the right to post anything that you choose to type about.
Using US for your personal therapy session, for you to work out deep things, is getting a bit old.
I’m aware that mental health care cost are up, or, you are just too cheap to spend money on one...?
You have put up some interesting things to squawk about, but, I’m going to charge you $250 an hour from here on out.
I’ll send you the link for my PayPal account...


He lives in the UK, there’s no charge.


When chimpanzees in captivity reach a certain age, they become surly and unruly.


Son, you sound angsty emo and hot. 😈


What does a person lose by being moral, ethical, kind, courteous, and politically correct?

The company of douchebags and assholes, that's what.


True, thing is, I occasionally have been seriously pressured and now I feel like an invisible force is pressuring me to be like this and put that extra effort in as opposed to just being and feeling free, walking free and being on autopilot, doing the right thing cause I'm incapable of being wrong like in that 1984 Chris Rea song "Wired to the Moon" - "don't know how to hurt, don't know how to lie, you just don't know how to do it, you couldn't if you tried, cause you're wired to the moon."

Also, assholes don't have conscience, I do. They may not often be too self aware either - we are.

Oh and our world will never be and has never been about good guys versus bad guys, heroes versus villains. But the evil that we do lives after that and often overtakes us and even removes whatever good we do. So even with complexities yeah it is what it is. Fair enough folks and fellas. I say hi to my internet buddies and pseudo buddies haha.

Some of them weren't de-facto assholes though full of utter stupidity and malice. Just indifferent and often carefree and not too concerned with political correctness AND facts of life. OTHERS were often emotional when bad things were even mentioned and alluded to. And even thought certain offenders USUALLY if not always male ones should be defeated. If laws don't always work.

I also feel like I've become a bit of a truth searcher. And a wannabe somewhat Saint.


I'm a bit of an asshole myself sometimes including these days albeit a conscious, conscience-oriented and sensitive one, and one who lives far far too much in an imaginary world as opposed to this one little thing we have called "reality", much to the disadvantage sometimes to others. And myself.


"True, thing is, I occasionally have been seriously pressured and now I feel like an invisible force is pressuring me to be like this..."

That's your conscience. Listen to it.


I do I do I do I do I do, like in that ABBA song, even if that was about love. :)


From what I heard, the Royal family members Prince William and Prince Harry, actually were/are PRESSURED for real, for instance, into STUDYING and getting top grades.

Imagine if either of them failed school?
