

WWE would have been proud.




The OP believes Smith cursing up a storm yelling F-bombs was fake, too.


It was really a ventriloquist.


Nothing to see here. Keep moving...


Any theories as to why Rock would agree to let himself be bitchslapped in front of the whole world, without fighting back, or even having a joke ready?



Well, as we will never know the whole truth and all we're doing is pointless speculation, I'm sticking with it being for real, partially staged at best, because there's no WAY that Rock agreed to let himself be bitchslapped in front of the whole world!

These guys are actors, as you said, and an actor's first priority during any public appearance is to benefit their career and image. Neither benefits from this, Smith looks like an asshole and has exploded the genial image that made him so much money, and Rock either looks pitiable or weak, depending one's POV. No publicist would have advised Smith to attack anyone on the world stage or appear to do so, not when his fan base is made up of mainstream people who think of him as good-natured, funny, and decent, and I expect Smith's publicist is having the worst week of their lives right now.

Sure, neither of them has ever gotten this much publicity in their lives, but it's not the kind of publicity that will do either any good in the long run. Smith has already lost a ton of mainstream fans (including me), and Rock got caught without a punchline just when the whole world was looking at him. Maybe it was a skit gone wrong, but if it was staged, it was staged by just Will and Jada, not by Rock, and certainly not Smith's publicist.



Thank you, and if you don't agree with me, well neither of us can know the whole truth.

Politely agree to disagree?



Perhaps we can agree than nobody in Hollywood is EVER honest with the public? That nobody in the entertainment industry ever says anything to the public, but that which will benefit themselves or their clients?

And IMHO that's why we'll never know the whole truth.



Smith probably will get away with it legally, as the LAPD and the LA DA's office won't want a massive celebrity media circus on their hands because of a minor crime, they're always reluctant to press charges against the rich and famous, and Rock may decide that pressing charges would lose him too many fans.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out over time, as Smith's box-office record hasn't been good over the last few years, he's lost a lot of fans, and every stand-up comic in the world now considers him their Public Enemy #1. Seriously, they're afraid that if Smith gets away with assaulting a comic over a standup joke, then all the assholes out there will decide that punching comics over jokes is A-okay and their jobs will become seriously dangerous. I DO look forward to seeing how that plays out - Will Smith vs. every standup comic on the planet!



I still think that Rock had no possible reason to stand there and get bitchslapped, and the fact that he's a big standup comic gives him an excellent reason to refuse to take a slap, even if Smith offered him millions to play out a scenario that would help him look all manly and tough. No standup comic with any brains would agree to ruin working conditions for himself and his colleagues, and Rock seems to have brains.

But I really am looking forward to Smith Vs. Every Comic There Is.


Honestly I thought you were right at first, but on reflection.... why do it. Does Will Smith need more publicity, no. I think everyone is a little more on edge lately. He heard his wife being made fun of and thought, no, I've hit my limit.



I don't think it was about money. I think we're all a little more angry, or on edge. He heard his wife get dissed, and thought no , I'm done with being nice. Was it right, no. I also don't think comedy should be at the expense of someones health problems. Is it funny if I say at the Oscars, I hope Bruce Willis can find his way home now....No.




This guy will prove you wrong.



Good...I hope so



Okay, weirdo. Ignore away...


"...weirdo..." That he is, in spades! He's just here to suck people into his ranting vortex.


Well he is a gypsy so...


Make lame excuses for the prick why dont'ya then.


Makes sense if you know a gypsy


That's pretty damned stupid, to accept his online moniker at face value.


I don't. A real gypsy wouldn't act so dumb


I think you've contradicted yourself enough in this thread.


OK Mr genius


If that's true it will help Chris Rock's career tremendously. He's now seen as a martyr for all comics, all entertainers, and free speech. It will hurt Will Smith's career.



You need therapy, dude.


I knew it. They were holograms projected down from Jewish Space lasers!

