MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Facts Movie Fans Should Know, But Don't?

Facts Movie Fans Should Know, But Don't?

Again, facts (and please source) everyone should know. Not "Older movies are factually better" kinda information, lol

There's been a few times I'll be reading here and read something, or an interview someone posted and thought, "Oh, wow" but can't think of any at the moment (I've been up since 4am) but with all the collective knowledge, we should all be able to know-it-all by tomorrow morning


Believe it or not, Snakes On a Plane (2006) is a film about snakes 🐍 that just happen to be on a plane ✈️. Who’d have thought, eh?


Motherfuckin trivia, ay?


I hear ya!


I don’t think anyone really NEEDS to know this, but I was surprised to learn that Margaret Hamilton who played the Wicked Witch in The Wizard of Oz was only 36 at the time of filming, while Billie Burke (Glinda the Good Witch) was 54. I would have thought the opposite was true. Good make up team.


I’ve read many accounts that Margaret Hamilton was a total sweetheart, which is funny when you think about the role she played.


She melts my heart


The henchman who stands outside the apartment in 'Leon' 1994 while Stansfield (Gary Oldman) massacres Matilda' family is played by Keith A. Glascoe. After his acting career he became a firefighter in New York City and was sadly killed in the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centre. There is a street named in his honour in New York.
