MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Tony Awards - Crowded and No Masks

Tony Awards - Crowded and No Masks

It should be interesting to see if there is a major Covid outbreak among attendees within two weeks.

People sharing microphones, singing with faces within inches of each other, crowded audience. My guess is that they want people to return to the theater so they're going to pretend that we're not still in a pandemic.


Absolutely disgusting. Why would anyone attend the Tony Awards?


Because a lot of people like theatre.


Can't I take a little dig at the theatre scene?


I never understood the reason they aired The Tony Awards nationwide. I saw Michael Jackson's two oldest kids so I stopped channel surfing to watch. Mainly bad music and unknowns although the Michael Jackson impersonator was outstanding.


I find it weird too. Other than a few big name plays, they aren't really viewed by much.


Always one jazzy number in which nyloned and heeled beauties display their acumen.

However, that is only a reason to stop while channel surfing, IMO. I don't have an answer for why to attend other than "because they like it."


Who is the best tony




NO ! Danza !!


No way.


Covid is sooooo last year, dahling!


preverts and creeps dont get covid, didnt ya know?


Tom Hanks has got covid.


indoor sports venues have been full for months.


Went to a flames oilers game


Hugh Jackman tested positive the next day. So he probably had spread it around.


Uh oh!


People are acting like the pandemic is over, but it's not. COVID-related ICU admissions are rising in my area, and not just people with COVID pneumonia.

A lot of people who are in for strokes or heart attacks have had COVID in the last few months, and COVID is a multi-system disease. It can attack the kidneys, or heart, or neurological symptom, and cause damage that can linger for months or years. Don't catch this shit, remember THERE IS NO CURE, THERE IS ONLY PREVENTION.


Thanks for that reminder. I'm noticing peer pressure to not wear a mask.

There's a high alert in my area with the recommendation to wear a mask indoors. Meanwhile, my job has announced masks indoors aren't needed if you're vaccinated and there are exceptions to mask wearing even if you're not. They're acting as if vaccines prevent it. My mask stays on.


My mask stays on at work, my desk gets scrubbed down every day, I left a monumentally-high-risk job to work in a moderate-risk office, but I'm still not taking any chances. Because there's still a risk.

Because my job gives me info on the local healthcare situation, I'm telling everyone I know to keep up the precautions. Things aren't nearly as bad as they were in 2020 and 2021, but people are still getting wretchedly ill, and a few are dying.
