MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > why do small dogs run away and get lost

why do small dogs run away and get lost

twice this week i have had flyers in my mailbox of pics of lost dogs. both were small ones. i don't know the breed. a black lab will never run away.


Are there Coyotes in your area?
They are known to prey on small pets.


and the foxes. they won't be found.


We have lots of Coyotes and Foxes …It is sad seeing the missing cat and dog posters around town because odds are the poor little thing is never coming home.

I have a gps tracker and invisible fence for my little girl, she’s a pretty wimpy mini dog and never strays far anyway and she’s never in the yard alone.


Also: No one wants to admit when their pet is really stupid.


Any dog is capable of running away for many different reasons. Like Shogun said, the smaller ones may get eaten more, and a lot of the bigger ones are stolen for a variety of reasons. Check local lost and found pet groups on social media and you will find all types of animals, and breeds.


A lost dog makes me SO sad.


Because they are small...


and dumb


All dogs pretty much have the same size brain.


why are all the working dogs the bigger ones?


I assume the job requires a bigger sized animal, like with herding/guarding livestock. Can't really picture a yorkshire terrier or dachshund doing that lol.


what about bomb and drug detection.


If we can train small dogs to detect truffles, then I'm sure we can train them to detect bombs/drugs, but Police and Military seem to prefer the German Shepherd or Belgian Malinois because they are intimidating and can also be used to subdue suspects.


you won't convince me that small dogs are as smart as big dogs. look up any list.


Not trying to convince you of anything. All I know is that vets I've talked to have said size of dog has nothing to do with intelligence or trainability. Small dogs are far from "dumb" and this is coming from a guy who has only owned medium-large dogs.


some breeds are more intuitive.


Because you will either

1 step on them
2 not take them seriously
3 pet them because they are adorable


I’ll pm you a funny story about that


Their size makes escape easier, that's all. Big dogs can't slip through a crack in the fence or dig a hole big enough to escape through before it gets noticed usually.


they don't seem to sense danger.


I think this is most dogs, regardless of size. So many people lose dogs because they'll randomly run onto a road they've walked past a hundred times.


They get spooked easily by loud, sudden noises then dash off in a panic. I’ve seen flyers for lost Labs, but they usually bust thru a backyard fence. My hound knocked a couple panels out of our fence and went into the neighbor’s yard. Luckily she was sniffing around their yard when I found her.
