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The government should regulate marriage more

You need to meet certain criteria to have a driver's licence, and therefore you should also be tested by the state to be married (marriage licence).

If the state finds that it isn't a good match for whatever reason, there should be no marriage.


If only there was a way to regulate who can have kids. It's crazy that people can have kids without even bothering to take care of them.


Or at least forced accreditations to show they can care for a child.


Yeah like people who adopt.


If you get married in a church you’ll likely be going through some type of marriage counseling before hand. That’s kind of like regulating marriage.




Duh:we have required marriage licenses for decades in the USA. None of them is codified by a marriage counselor. The license is strictly meant to collect revenue for the salient municipality. So, the OP did not do his research.

Much better to have licensing for conceiving children. Couples wanting to adopt a child must pass multiple tests to be approved for the adoption, answering questions about financial wherewithal, physical and emotional ability to foster a child, and I don’t know what all else. Have you tried to buy a puppy? The paperwork for permission to buy a puppy is much more than is in the paperwork for a marriage license. We let completely unqualified people have children. And we wonder why our society has gone down the tubes, as evidenced by the cesspools on the Internet.


Idiot. Deny people marriage lisences and what happens? They shack up without marriage!

No, what the state needs to do is perform a reversible sterilization procedure on everyone just before puberty, and reverse the sterilization when they prove they're sane and stable enough to reproduce. Ill-advised marriages don't do much harm, compared to having children that you aren't competent to support or raise.


Oh I really like the second part here!

That could make some glorious fiction!
Males have it done because it's far less damaging than on females.
Then the women are lining up begging and fighting over men to give them babies, in stead of the opposite.
Meanwhile, rumors fly about some guys sterilizing not taking and women are looking for those guys.
This could sell as sort of a male version of hand maids tale.


Uh, you don't seem to realize that in this hypothetical scenario, the temporary sterilization is done on both men and women.

And if you're looking for porny scenarios, it would mean that most people, or most young people, get to screw around without fear of pregnancy...


no no I follow you completely. I'm altering the scenario for fiction sake: less destructive on men than women. people can still screw around all they want without pregnancy, but now the tables turn where women are the beggars, not eh men, for "Sex" where sex means getting to have children... the women's primary drive - based on all of humanity since the dawn of time.

it could have a lot of divergent paths:
guys lying (like normal) to get laid claiming it didn't take,
women chasing more married guys for affairs because married have usually been reversed for a while,
people faking marriage to get it reversed so she can have kid
etc etc


I've said it before... the way straight men can take ANY scenario and twist it into some bizarro version where they can get laid more is hilarious!

Seriously if anyone has an advantage here it's the gays, whose lives go on normally. I really don't see how straight in general men benefit, unless events prove that only a few of them are sane and stable enough to be allowed to reproduce. Then yeah, we'd see ypurcscenario, but it wouldn't be the guys like you being begged...


Chill dude. It's fiction. Hhhaahaaaha


Oh, I'm just having some fun with the idea.

Such as your suggestion that there will be such a drastic shortage of sperm that women will be begging for it, which does rather imply that far more women than men will be judged sane and stable enough to reproduce. You're hilarious!



No, no, no. We need LESS government control, not more.





The government doesn't need to control marriage. They have too much control as it is.
