MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What would a modern day American Robin H...

What would a modern day American Robin Hood do?

Based on the legend I think he would hack the IRS computers to return taxes back to the people.


Go after big pharma, oil and mining companies, maybe even Hollywood, and give back the medicine and the trillions to the people while taking all these companies down.


I understand your passion, but, if we erase pharma, who will provide medicine? I have ulcerative colitis. It can kill me. My medication is priced at $1,000 a month. My insurance pays for it. I do not want to die, just yet. Maybe Maybe Robin Hood needs to think a little more about what to do.

I think that price is ridiculous, but there needs to be something else in place before destroying the thieves.


Taking down the companies won't kill the pharmacists, they'll just maybe have to sell their medicines for a fairer price. But considering the prices are in-affordable for so many people, there's not any difference between them existing and not.


We can't have a functioning society without taxes: No parks, libraries, police, fire houses, sanitation, museums, highways, hospitals, military, traffic lights, satellites, internet, food safety, courts, post office, disease prevention and cures, FDIC, social security, GPS, air traffic control, public transportation, etc..

Robin Hood would have the rich pay their fair share of taxes by moving the percentages back to pre-Reagan levels. That would also fix income inequality since the middle-class and working-class would no longer be burdened with paying taxes that the rich refuse.


I agree 100% with every point you made here. We need taxes to fund our services and safety net programs. And we need everyone to be paying their fair share... no loopholes, no hiding money in offshore bank accounts, etc. And equitable distribution of profits.

We need an American Robin Hood because the political system has become corrupt beyond repair. The question is, where will we find such a person these days?


Unlike Robin Hood, we live in a democracy where each citizen has a voice.

Vote for the people who will help common folks instead of themselves, get involved in local politics or run yourself.
We're all Robin Hood.


The problem is this: there aren't many candidates who want to help the "common folks." They pander to the big donors who finance their campaigns, rather than representing the voters.

"Each citizen has a voice" is another one of the fairy tales taught in middle school civic classes. Here's an article from 2014 that is just as relevant (or maybe more so) today:
The U.S. is basically a single-party oligarchy.


"The U.S. is basically a single-party oligarchy."

Only one party supported Citizens United v. FEC, is fighting the college debt forgiveness program, against restoring taxes for the rich, against national healthcare, against unions, slashes social programs, supports weakening your voice with voter suppression laws, less money for education, etc..

Choose your representation wisely! Research their past votes and their present goals. Make sure the ideas are doable and not just lies to get your vote.

BTW, I don't disagree that the rich are empowered, but there is a path to weakening their grip.

My local representatives aren't perfect and I disagree with some of their ideas, but I know the alternative would be much worst. Sometimes the steps to change are small. Complacency is worst.


US income tax didn't exist before the 20th century. I have to inform you that human society has existed for somewhat longer.

Nations with a sovereign currency do not put tax dollars in their purse. It's a mechanism for currency destruction that has nothing to do with the securement of funds. Not that pigs should be funded in the first place.

And lol at the idea that inequality was fixed before Reagan came along.


The American Revolution was partially instigated because of unfair taxes aka: "No Taxation without Representation" rallying cry.

FDR ended the Gilded Age by taxing the mega-rich at a top 94% marginal rate. The middle-classes grew until Reagan gave them a huge tax cut (top 38.5%) while shifting tax payments to the working and middle-classes. Taxes, less union participation rate, etc. created more wealth inequality.


FDIC is actually not taxpayers paid but rather by the depositors who have their accounts at the bank. I used to work there in the early 90s.


He’d sit in his mother’s basement eating Cheetos all day and night, posting non-stop, whining and bitching about how the last season of Game of Thrones was the worst ending ever or some such - prove me wrong!




I’m triggered and offended.


Raise taxes on multi-millionaires thru billionaires, fund public health care. For starters.


have social media and brag about his "good" deeds and eventually getting caught and executed i guess


or a public suicide


Probably emigrate.


He'd be a hacker and his "Merry Men" would be hackers too, and they'd work as a group on a bunch of computers hidden somewhere. He'd hack the bank accounts of the rich elites (including the stuff they hid in foreign banks) and give it back to the poor in the form of cash.


Every Robin Hood movie and TV show I have watched the sheriff would send his goons to collect taxes from the people. Robin Hood would then take back the taxes to return to the people yet I see comments that say a modern day Robin Hood would do what the sheriff did.
