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No EV charging in freezing weather
Domenick Nati told Insider that he plugged his electric car into a supercharger on Friday when it was 19 degrees outside. The car's battery level was at 40% at the time.

"Two hours went by and not much changed," Nati told the outlet. "It was very slow and the numbers got lower as the temperature dropped. Eventually, it stopped charging altogether."


So what? Electric vehicles are in their early years. Remember what cell phones were like 30 years ago? Now imagine what electric vehicles will be like in 30 years from now.


You can't really believe a change in history to where things will be built better than in the past.


"So what? Electric vehicles are in their early years."

No, they aren't. Electric vehicles have existed since the 1830s, and by the late 1800s they were common enough that there were charging stations for them:

More importantly, battery charging in general isn't in its early years, not even close. Rechargeable batteries date back to the mid 1800s.


I get that. I meant modern electric vehicles using modern technology. Imagine what electric vehicles will be like in 30 years.


We'll eventually figure out a way to charge them instantly.

Other than that, not much will change. You're still going to need to produce their power from fossil fuels or nuclear. Solar/wind won't scale. Even if they did, you'd still have to figure out a way to dispose of the battery waste.

Battery powered cars are just a dumb idea. We've wasted so much on them when we probably could have made compressed air work.


30 years ago phone batteries died quickly in the cold and today phone batteries die quickly in the cold. People really think the modern phone is a marvel but it basically just got smaller and now connects to the internet and takes video.


This is why I’ll let everyone beta test them first, before buying one myself, once all the kinks have been ironed out.


in am in no rush. i might buy a hybrid.


I never buy the first few versions of any product, there are always bugs for the engineers to work out.

Let everyone else learn the hard way and wait👍


It will be a while before a battery is made different.


I’m patient:)




Here in New Jersey, A Tesla was being charged during the storm last week in Sea Bright. The flood water came over the sea wall causing both the car and the charger ignited.


There's thousands of EVs out there, if this was more than a single owner with a problem it would be making real headlines. This is nothing more of the I hAtE tEh TeSwA durp-fest.
