
Noufa (383)


"CCH Pounder on the toilet" Always confused him with Anthony Kiedis. N/T. Currently available on Pluto "TLC would like to invite you to MILF Manor, which a legally distinct concept from MILF Island" Appreciate the critical perspective. What's the point of this remake? Could have used a better title. "That '90s Show" spinoff in the works. Trailer looks pretty melodramatic View all posts >


I guess I can see that. But I always saw that scene as more about Scar being menacing than the loss of Mufasa. Fair. If it ever was remade, it would be them trying to "pass" as seniors. Recently saw an episode of Family Feud where the survey question was "Name a Disney movie with a scene that made you cry". Frozen was one of the answers. Little Mermaid, Toy Story & Lion King were up there. I don't really get those, either. I think people were just naming the 1st movie that came to mind. Old Yeller, Bambi & Dumbo were answers that made sense to me. Good grief, she's in her 60s & you guys are like "would not bang". Bit of a tangent but phone companies in America were pretty monopolistic. They were seen as a basic necessity, so their 'turf' was protected by the state. My father told me how they billed customers for hooking up a 2nd landline phone in their houses. They had some way of testing the resistance on the line & could "see" the additional phone. I'm also old enough to remember when there were surcharges for caller ID. A normal company would roll out these features as standard to attract/keep customers. American phone companies didn't because they didn't have to. This might explain why post-communist countries were faster switching to cellular. They were in the process of rejecting the command economy. Well, they were kids so... BTW, that sprinkler scene reminded me of that meme about Holi: everybody wants a brilliant palate of colors. But the colors just mix together & turn everything diarrhea brown. It was pretty corny. I thought that was mostly Patterson's writing. Public schools can feel oppressive for a kid. But imagine thinking it's the fusty, old "stickler for rules" types mucking things up. Just a massive generational disconnect. I try not to pathologize people I find strange. Even fictional people. But something was off. There are multiple threads on this board nitpicking specific behaviors from Adam. I wasn't the only one watching & waiting for some sort of insight the character. Then the movie just ends. Not saying we needed a psychiatric diagnosis. I enjoyed Napoleon Dynamite because the characters felt so authentically awkward. Other characters noticed & either accepted it or mocked it. In Untamed Heart, the weirdness is swept under the rug. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Bl32n6-JXc View all replies >