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Your thoughts on trans woman competing in female sports?

I think it's wrong and unfair.

--Michael D. Clarke


It's wrong on so many levels. It allows for mediocre men to cheat a win from women who fought hard to be the best in their field and also allows pedos, perverts and voyeurs into their changing rooms and bathrooms to ogle and occasionally assault or rape them. If you point this out you get called a bigot and a transphobe but nobody will adress the question of what stops a pervert from doing this.

The answer is very simple.

Create a 3rd category for all-comers who do not mind competing with trans women or men and keep biological male and female sports to biological men and women only.

That way everybody is happy and nobody is discriminated against.


From what I've heard from the trans-community on the topic, many of them believe this conflict would be resolved by including a trans-section for sporting events, where trans people compete against fellow trans people, and I support that solution.


Unfortunately, it's not realistic. Trans are such a small percentage of the population, it would almost be a pointless endeavor. It doesn't make fiscal sense to create a separate sporting community for a relatively
insignificant part of the population. Not to mention the issue that we'd still have biological males against biological females, regardless of how they currently identify. We should let them identify as they want, but to compete it should only be against the gender they were at birth.


Sure, but how many people outside the Olympics work as professional javelin throwers? I'm guessing that number is tiny, and yet we have javelin throwing in the Olympics. It may not be realistic, but are we really gonna talk about realism when it comes to professional sports and what people can and can't do and what they earn and so on? It's a ridiculous dream-scape where nonsense is possible.


Not only does that ignore logic, it also ignores my other point completely regarding biological men and women competing. Your analogy is badly flawed. You aren't talking about a new sport, your talking about a new group of competitors that is infinitesimal. You're also wrong about the javelin comparison. Olympians aren't professionals. They don't get paid. However, almost every high school and college in the country will have multiple javelin throwers, hence the number of participants in the Olympics. What you just did is known as a "false analogy".


WTF is a "trans woman"? If you're talking about a male who suffers from the delusion that he's a female, then he obviously shouldn't be allowed to compete in women's sports, because he's a male. Anyone who thinks otherwise is clearly a nincompoop.


Trans Woman is a man who was born a man. His mental illness convinces him to cut off his wee wee, get some breast implants, take estrogen supplements, and pretend he's a woman by wearing women's clothing.


So "trans woman" is a misnomer, i.e., not a woman at all. Here are some better terms:

Fake woman
Ersatz woman
Fool's woman
False woman
Sham woman
Spurious woman
Counterfeit woman
Make-pretend woman
Mock woman
Sham woman
Phony woman
Imitation woman
Knockoff woman
Bogus woman
Faux woman
Synthetic woman
Fictitious woman


Schiznit woman
Copy Cat woman
Mimic woman


Trans women are women, full stop.

That's all I know.


It's a big fat farce. Not to mention they are basically cheating against biological women with the traits their male bodies still provide them, despite the delusions and estrogen pumped into their bloodstreams.

These are basically guys who failed at being male athletes, so they used their mental illness to go cheat in the women's sports so they could pretend they actually won something. All they're really doing is turning women's sports into a complete joke.

Besides, Bender did it first.



From what I've read, if as a male they go through puberty and then transition they have an unfair advantage over biological women.

Shouldn't be allowed imo.
