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Anyone knows about Einstein-oppenheimer alien papers?

do anyone believe alien exist I belive they exist Roswell crash in new Mexico near los almos where atom bomb was tested and CIA was made on 26 July 1947 after Roswell crash in early July 1947 they check on us there is something .


So extraterrestrials journeyed light years accross the galaxy yet they crashed into Earth? I'm not buying it.


Have you seen my wife drive?




That’s how she got here in the first place, lol.


Female aliens! It makes sense now!


Watch documentary on vaginha sighting in Brazil documentary.


I believe aliens exist, yes. The universe is unfathomably massive. I'd be very surprised if Earth was the only planet with (intelligent) life on it.

I don't believe for a single second that they've ever travelled here though. For the same reason really: the universe is unfathomably massive.


Three thoughts to consider: -

1. What if life could exist pretty well everywhere, but we just happen to be the first?
2. What if a species’ existence on average is fairly short lived and the chances of two civilisations that are sufficiently technically advanced existing at the same time is remote.
3. What if we all just live really, really far apart. Let’s face it, I’ve got mates that just live round the corner and I don’t see them from one year to the next, lol.


Let’s face it, I’ve got mates that just live round the corner and I don’t see them from one year to the next

This is exactly what's happening out there in the cosmos. 'Y'know, we really should remember to drop in on the Earthlings some time.'

'Oh, yeah! We really should. Wonder how they're getting on. Anything on TV?'


‘Darling, I’ve just checked the diary and we’re totally booked up for the next millennia.’


Or we are not the first but isolated from the vacuum of space.


This is politics 101 for morons

Im not denying how massive the known observable universe is but its just more entertainment from the powers at hand in Washington DC

You think how many cell phones there are on the planet and not one person can get a real live stream from a UFO or alien sighting


Aliens use the sub-hyper space split-stream system (SHSSSS) to send their communication and signals, of course.


They do. But, they're not going to be super clear on a crappy cellphone.

From inside a commercial plane:

Above New York City. The end shows people wondering if balloons. But commentator said:
"I was there. I worked right there on 23rd and 8th. I stood there and watched them for over 30 minutes. They were not balloons. Every time it seemed like they could be, they would move away from one another and then come back together in such a way that it was obvious that they were not balloons, nor were they tethered to one another. And balloons would have moved on, these remained in the same area for more than an hour. They also were extremely illuminated. As if they were lit from inside. it was pretty nuts. Zero way of explaining it."

Commercial pilot:

The best will be on radar, too:


Whoa, that Commercial Pilot video was really something. Probably the clearest UAP video I've seen.


We do not exist.


Honey, people believing doesn't make it true.


Likewise, your uppity, dismissive attitude doesn't make it false.


You are actually correct! Amazing! Not about your crackpot beliefs, of course, but about neither belief nor skepticism being proof of anything.

So, how does it feel to be right about something, for once?
