MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > I've got COVID again.

I've got COVID again.

Went like 3 years not getting it, then got it and here I am half a year later with it again.

Is this the new normal? Biannual COVID infections?

How many times have you guys had it?

Is the common cold going the way of the dinosaur? Not enough room for the both of them!


I’ve only had it once and it was rough. If you’ve gotten a few vaccinations it may be less severe the second time around. Fingers crossed for you, best of luck👍


I stopped the precautions this spring, and not only got COVID after three years, I got several colds as well!

I've gone back to serious hand hygiene. I don't have enough sick leave for that shit, plus a friend has a nasty case of "long COVID" with constant burning in the mouth. I do NOT want that.




it seems to be one of the family of virus that mutate and change relatively quick and its new forms can reinfect.

unlike say measles where you get a vaccine and its good for almost ever


I know several people here in my area who have recently come down with it again. I hope you get feeling better soon.


I never had it.

New Fall vaccine will provide better protection against this latest variant, EG.5.


i had a flu/cold last week. i tested twice and it wasn't covid.


I hope you get to feeling better dude!
