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Would alien contact unite us or further divide us?

Would Earthlings be ready for this? I am tired of the wondering. If life is out there, I want to know NOW!!

Then again, it could be the end of us as a species. Humans can’t even deal with the differences between ourselves. To introduce another into this toxic mix could just tip us over the edge.


It depends on how the aliens view us. To them, would we be: -
Scientific experiments
Childlike students


Probably all of the above.


I am pretty sure nothing would change and here is the proof:


I learned from pandemic that people are more fighty than work togethery.

Aliens will cause more infighting.


Sticking with what SETI would potentially find, it'll be too far away and probably too far in the past to directly harm or benefit us, imo. Same with contacting it back. Would there still be aliens there to pick up the phone?

I won't hold my breath for any uniting, we're still not on the same page about Evolution, vaccines, or the frigging Earth being round.

I would be worried about the impact on society. Specifically on how people with very strong religious views would react and process a discovery like that, if they accept it at all.


It’s really good to hear from you again, Mina. I’d have no trouble in accepting other intelligent life forms into my religious sphere, but we know that I am “a weirdo.”


Nice to see you're still around, R_Kane!

Yeah, we know you're "a weirdo" haha, but I bet there'd be some folk out there whose whole world view would be turned upside-down if we ever get proof of aliens, or even some bugs on Mars.


The big question is: would we "know" this revelation is "real", or wonder if it's some kind of government/deep state psy-OP deception?


Depends what they say. Are they gonna give us the gossip on Mars, offer us all the diamonds raining on Neptune or are they gonna declare a hostile takeover and steal our resources? Would we even be able to understand each other and communicate? I'm guessing no, not at first, but if we can infer vibes and their general feelings toward the human race, that would determine whether they come in peace or not.


If they are superior in a good way, wiser, we would probably welcome them managing humanity. We would get used to it, in a generation or two people would say 'I can't believe we used to rule ourselves'.


Based on what we saw in "Arrival," I'd say it would further divide us and possibly cause WWIII.
