MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > πŸŽ„ 🎢 I'm dreaming of a... πŸŽ„ 🎡

πŸŽ„ 🎢 I'm dreaming of a... πŸŽ„ 🎡

...Uh, no white Christmas this year. Our temps have been unusually warm, so the snow we've had hasn't stayed longer than a few days.

We're going to have a wet Christmas this year. Forecast to rain all day, with temps right around 50℉. Crazy.


Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas to you too!


We’re looking at low 40s, cloudy and dry, which is fine, I don’t like driving in snow.


Me, neither. I get to stay home and watch it fall - whenever we get a real snowfall this winter. When we do get snow I'm really glad I don't have to drive in it. I can wait until the roads are plowed.


As a Canadian who likes dark skies and insane amounts of snow, this upsets me.


Divine punishment for all your dad jokes.

Thanks hoser, now I can't use my snowmobile.


Punishment? I deserve to be awarded.


This is all I could find:


I accept.


For those of you not at MovieChat headquarters this afternoon, here's some footage of the award ceremony.

Kowalski (right) didn't get an award.


I saw him get a pie in the face though.


That works. 🀣

Sorry, big K. I couldn't help it.


It's never a white Christmas in L.A., but it has been raining for the past two days and doesn't seem like it's going to let up anytime soon. So I think it might be a wet and rainy Christmas here too.

I hate driving and walking in it, but I have to admit, the sound of the rain falling outside the window is kind of relaxing.


I've often wondered how the standard of a "white Christmas" came to be. Most of the planet doesn't have a white one. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β― It can't all be due to the song of the same name.

I'm with you on the relaxing rain sound. We've had so little rain this year that it's become almost a novelty. And I sure don't mind not having to shovel the white stuff. It'll be at least some time in January before we see any more.

We will have a wet Christmas this year and I'm okay with that. I still enjoy my Christmas lights.
πŸŽ„ 😊


I wish we were colder. You never know here. Unfortunately we've been around 75 F for the last week.


I forget what part of the country you're in, but here in Minnesota we're having the warmest December ever. 50℉ forecast highs for this weekend. It's pretty weird.



Nice. There are so many good renditions of this song.


I hadn't heard this version I shared until I heard it playing in a cafe the other day and captured it on my phone.


i will go to where the snow is next week


I've actually watched that webcam several times. It looks like they have snow there now, but not a lot of the white stuff.


more than here but not much. mild winter all around so far.


Good ol' climate change. I suspect we may have a winter drought here, if that's a thing. Last year we were inundated with snow. Every two or three days we got more snow. Two inches here, four inches there, with a few 6-inch+ snowstorms thrown in. It got really annoying to have to shovel so often.


You mean global warming. "Climate change" sounds too innocuous for such a devasting phenomenon. I guess people don't want to hear the truth and would rather sweep things under the rug. So they came up with a less-threatening description.

Global warming is ruining Christmas.


You know the weather is crazy when golf courses in Minnesota are still open in December.


December is not a time to be golfing.


Certainly not in Minnesota!
