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I refuse to believe that there are people who go door-to-door singing Christmas carols.

This has to be a movie/TV myth. I have never had someone come to my door, seen someone go to someone else's door, or even know anyone who said someone came to their door to sing carols. Like, who is actually going to open their door and stand there listening to a bunch of people harmonizing some songs for a few minutes? This just feels like a cheesy made up Hollywood moment.


I've never done it or had it done to me, or seen it anywhere.

Signed, million man.


Back in the dark ages, my girl scout troop sang carols door-to-door, as well as senior centers and retirement homes.


Now I'm starting to think this is an American thing.


The World Wide Web, eh?


Never heard of it. Is that Spiderman's cousin?


It is a thing in the UK, but you have to live in a nice neighbourhood. Needless to say I've not seen them at my house but at friends. They belt out maybe one verse, only seen a handful of singers not a big group.


I just remembered Mr. Bean did it when he slammed the door on the carolers faces.


I’m never around in December, so no.


You're right here though.


I've never seen this either, but my parents both swear that Christmas carolers were still a thing when I was a little kid in Connecticut. I don't think I believe them, lol.

The closest thing I've seen is choirs singing Christmas carols outside of department stores in NYC, but it felt very contrived and not organic, like they were hired by the stores as a marketing gimmick. I've seen this in Madrid, Spain as well, outside of hotels. I might even have a video of that. Regardless, I don't think that counts.


The only time I've seen carolers was at church and I think I've only seen them once outside of the church itself. Both my parents said they've never seen it either.


It’s for real, one Christmas my family was like “come on we are going door to door Christmas caroling” and I’m like “the heck if I’m doing that”


I would have had the same reaction. I wouldn't want anyone I knew to see me.
