MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Lyrics that are Special to You Game

Lyrics that are Special to You Game

I saw someone posted a lyric challenge. Well how about this - to make it more interesting. Lyrics that have special meaning to your life. And then maybe indicating why the lyrics are special to you. If anyone wants to join in - great. These are special lyrics to me....

"Every time I see your face
It reminds me of the places we used to go.

But all I've got is a "song title"
and I realize you're not coming back anymore....."

If anyone joins in I'll indicate why these lyrics are special to me....


When 9/11 happened, I remember a local old time radio station ended their broadcast with this song:

Pity the world never took it to heart.


Appropriate song for that awful day. Thanks for the response.


Sometimes it hurts me
To feel so much tenderness
"song title"
Baby, I'm dazzled
By the view
"song title"
You don't need to tell me
I'm completely powerless
"song title"
I wish you could see it, too
I wish you could see it, too
I wish you could see it, too
Baby, how I see you


It's special because it reminds me of a girl who sometimes couldn't see how incredibly "song title" she was.




HHmmm - not sure of your song. I don't think I know it.


I’m not surprised. The song is “Beautiful” by Aimee Mann.


Aaahh yes, Aimee Mann, formerly of Til Tuesday, she was one of the writers of a fave 80s track - "VOices Carry". "Beautiful" is nice - good song. Thanks for the response.


Your song is Photograph - Ringo Starr

I know majaplayas song too but that feels like cheating.


Yep, exactly right. A week after my dog passed - I was looking at pics of him on my refrigerator. While I was doing this the song "Photograph" with the specific lyrics I posted popped into my head.

Now - whenever I look at pics of him - I can hear those lyrics in my mind.

How about you? Do you have lyrics that mean something to you???
