
I was reading about the movie "More" for which Pink Floyd did the soundtrack. It is about a man who falls in love with a drug addict who gets him hooked on cocaine or heroin, starring Mimsy Farmer It is obviously an anti-drug movie where Mimsy plays a bad character.

I looked her up and noticed she was in the Doris Day Show, My Three Sons and other shows.

My question in general is did shows like these "family shows" ever make contracts with their actors and actresses that they could not play bad characters or characters not family oriented?

I know MTM made a contract with Tony Papnefuss and John Voldstad (Darryl and Darryl) that they could not appear in any shows where they talked. Also Ted Baxter (not Knight) did not have a contract restricting other shows he could be in, though later they wished he had.


I don't know the answer but I know the song More by The Sisters of Mercy is great and everyone should hear it at least once in their life...


Where's the redirect to a Donny song?


Forget a link to a song, here's a link to an entire album!


This sounds like something Daft_Munks might appreciate.


Very melodramatic.
