MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Ever traveled solo?

Ever traveled solo?

I've booked a trip to Iceland for 8 days in July just by myself. I'm stoked!

--Michael D. Clarke



Pluses: You get to do whatever you want to do without regard to another person's wishes...same with meals. You wake up when you want to. You go to bed when you want to.

Minuses: Traveling is perhaps best as a shared experience. There's no one to turn to and say, "Isn't that amazing?"


Do you ever get strange looks or negative vibes from friends/families that you went by yourself?

--Michael D. Clarke


I'm not the right one to ask as I am a never married/no kids guy who lives alone, and my relatives have either passed away or I am not close to them.


yes, many times


Do you ever get strange looks or negative vibes from friends/families that you went by yourself?

--Michael D. Clarke


they usually think my gal and i are weird, because we always take separate vacations, lol


Not for a vacation - that would be strange.

I'd probably be poisoned when I came home.


If you're getting poisoned when you come home, then why not stay on vacation?


Because I'd have to come back to my collection of Kowalski body pillows and crotcheted sweaters made from his back hair - duh.


Yes all the time, it's my favorite way to travel.

Have fun in Iceland! I've never been, but I'm sure it's great.


No. I’m a homebody, I would not travel at all but my wife and kids force me into it once or twice a year.

I may be going to Florida this summer and it’s a lovely state but I dread the packing and flying and all of the driving😎
