MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Venomous flying spiders with 4-inch legs...

Venomous flying spiders with 4-inch legs spread across East Coast

First came the spotted lanternflies, then the cicadas — and now, the spiders? The Northeast U.S. is bracing for an invasion of giant venomous spiders with 4-inch-long legs that can parachute through the air.

Earlier this year, New Jersey Pest Control warned of the incoming spiders, saying Joro spiders will be "hard to miss" as females have a leg span of up to 4 inches and are known for their vibrant yellow and grey bodies.

"What sets them apart, however, is their ability to fly, a trait uncommon among spiders," the company said. "While not accurate flight in the avian sense, Joro spiders utilize a technique known as ballooning, where they release silk threads into the air, allowing them to be carried by the wind."

I like spiders but I don't like venomous flying spiders. Creepy!


Cool actually. And spiders kill pests. But I'm skeptical. What ever happened to the killer bee invasion of the 80's?


I think Lee Majors saved us


and the murder hornets?


I just remember the killer bees were supposed to wreak havoc, attacking children, creating general mayhem. My sister owns a "bee farm" and manufactures and sells honey. The so-called killer bees just interbred with domestic bees and they are not a problem.


oh thats interesting. I remember the media having everyone scared of the "killer bees!"


Please no


Exactly! I would probably freak out a bit if I came across one of these. 😬 Thankfully, I don't live along the East Coast.


I didn't like the cicada pictures in the story following this one, either.
😬 Shudder! Yuck!


This is literally a nightmare. Kill them all.


Good news is: Apparently, they are the natural predator of Spotted Lantern Flies.
