MovieChat Forums > James Stewart Discussion > Who's the Jimmy Stewart of the 21st Cent...

Who's the Jimmy Stewart of the 21st Century?

Who's the best at playing an everyday man?


Hanks was, yeah. For the younger crowd, I'm not sure yet.

He's too cemented as golden-boy Captain American, but Chris Evans wouldn't be bad at it.


Tom Hanks although he is more a boring every man. Jimmy had more charisma.


timothee chalamet


Thought about this question before looking at the thread and came up with Tom Hanks too. He is the one who most closely fits the profile. Both well liked, nice guys in Hollywood who have both won Oscars, playing good everyday men roles with a sort of comedic undertone. Both have starred in some classics in their own generations. I can't think of anyone else who comes close.


Twenty years ago, it used to be either Harrison Ford or Nicolas Cage?
As much as I dislike the guy, I'd have to also say Tom Hanks (but his fame seems to have waned of late)


Definitely Hanks. Life magazine did a pictorial in 1989 comparing classic actors to their modern counterparts and they paired Stewart and Hanks.
